Monday, August 24, 2009

17 Months

Seventeen months ago we were all crowded into a hospital room anticipating the arrival of Jacob Allen. No one could have prepared us for how our lives would change that day or for the ways in which God would bless us through this little tiny person.

Our Jacob Allen is 17 months old today. He walks, he runs, he says words, he follows simple commands, he answers questions....he is growing from a toddler to a little boy. It is so hard to believe when I look at him that this day last year he was just learning how to sit up by himself. How much they change in just one year's time!

We are so thankful God has trusted us to raise Jacob! Here is a peak at the thoughts in our hearts this day:

Dear Jacob,
Your mommy and daddy love you so much! Today is a special day because we celebrate one more month you've been a part of our lives. You bring us so much joy every day. We pray you will continue to be an obedient, inquisitive, tender hearted little boy. We wish you nothing but God's multitude of blessings.

We love you and we can't imagine our lives without you in it.

Mommy and Daddy


I stayed home from church this past Sunday. I went to bed Saturday night with a headache and woke up with it still there on Sunday. Of course I stupidly took some medicine first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and then gave myself a bit of a queasy stomach on top of it all. Since Chris had to drive the van for church that day, Jacob stayed home with me.

Thankfully, my headache subsided around 11:30 and I was able to use some of my unexpected free time to study and prepare for the class I have to teach tonight. Jacob was being so good while I studied. He wanted to sit on the couch with me, so we got out several of his books and he sat and "read" with me. He was generally content while I had one hand on his book and one hand on my own.

Suddenly, Jacob started exclaiming, "Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!" and then proceeded to lick his book! He did this several times. Finally I took notice of what he was doing!

He was reading one of his alphabet books. It has a letter for each page and there are several pictures on each page of objects that start with that letter. I look down at the page Jacob had gotten so excited about and he was pointing to none other than the "I" page and a delicious looking ice cream cone!

I had to capture it on video and was able to successfully do it! Chris couldn't believe it when I showed him once he got home. Now all we have to do is give him the book and ask him to find the yummy. He will flip rapidly, looking for the ice cream cone. And, once successfully located, he will declare, "Mmm!" and lick the page.

Smart boy. Yes, Jacob, ice cream is mmmmmm!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Slumber Party!

We were honored to be able to offer to keep Ella for Donna and Breck one night last week. This was Ella's first ever overnight without a family member. She did great and I think the kids had fun! She woke up a wee bit early on Sunday morning, but it was good for me to get up and get started with my day!

We did all the essential slumber party activities: played in the wading pool and had snacks while watching Veggie Tales!

The kids playing in the pool on the deck. They had the best time!

"Mr. Chris" was getting a good laugh out of Miss Ella. Such a sweet look on her face!

Winding down from all the play and getting ready for bed. Snacks and Veggie Tales.

Getting ready for night night! Jacob enjoying snacks and Veggie Tales, too!

Indianapolis Children's Museum

The Indianapolis Children's Museum. Wow. Need I say more? If you live remotely close and have kids...take them! We were there 7 full hours (!!) and didn't see it all! There was something for all ages (grown ups included!). All the nephews had a blast, as did Jacob! There is an entire section devoted to pre-school aged children, so we spent the vast majority of our day there. Jacob loved the water table, the train table, the toddler obstacle course, and the sand table. He also got a big kick out of the lawn mowers, construction equipment, and the magnet wall. He just ran (literally) from place to place! This was definitely the highlight of the camping trip for all of us! See the pictures posted below...

Family photo outside the museum.

Jacob and Chris enjoying the water table in the pre-school play area.

Jacob liked checking out the sand table!

This is what happens to a boy after a long, fun day at the Children's Museum!

Camping is A Lot of Work...But Fun!

I have been a horrible blogger! Life has been wayyyyyyy too busy! I am just now finding time to load these camping pictures! At last. Enjoy the handful posted below. These here include the fun in the campsite and at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. I will reserve a separate post for all the fun had at the Indianapolis Children's Museum!!

My conclusion after a weekend of camping: camping is a lot of work, but it is definitely fun and makes some great memories of time with family. Am I going to go out and buy all the gear this week? Probably not. But for once a summer...I can handle that!

We had a wonderful time camping with my two sisters and my three nephews! The weather treated us well (we got sprinkled on a few times, but nothing to make the weekend miserable). The humidity was low, the temps were just right around 80, and the kids had a blast. It was great to get the cousins together and to be able to spend some time with my family!

I don't have a huge array of photos to share since my sisters both have cameras that are twenty times better than mine and they were busy shooting photos constantly. Our camera was acting up and being difficult, but here is a peek at some of what I managed to snap.

Andrew and Jacob loaded up and ready to go to the Motor Speedway!

Auntie "Fred" with all the boys at the speedway museum.

A family picnic at the speedway!

Chris and Jacob enjoying the campfire.

Have I mentioned before how much Jacob likes corn?? Yes, this isn't even cooked yet!