Saturday, May 29, 2010


It is Memorial Day weekend and summer has arrived in the Bluegrass. I love the warm, sunny weather and so does Jacob! We broke out the wading pool for the patio and took our first trip of the season to the fountains at the courthouse this week. How fun it is to have a little one who loves summer as much as I do!

"I want to see Geekub, Mommy!" Jacob loves to look at his pictures in the camera!

"I floatin', Mommy!" He is starting to get too big for this pool! This has become our evening activity this week. He LOVES it.

Our first trip to the fountains at the courthouse for the summer. This was when we first arrived. He was checking things out and warming up to the idea...

Inching his way in...

It didn't take long before he was happily splashing away!

"Fountains, Mommy! Fountains!"

Running around and around and around and around.... You get the point.

He stopped briefly for a snack. Pretzels, raisins, and water.

This is so much fun! Shrieking with delight!

We concluded our trip with a stop at Sam's Hot Dog Stand for lunch. Yummy!

We had so much fun! Hopefully we'll get to go often this summer. We love "cheap" entertainment and it is really not far from the house at all. Hopefully we'll even get the chance to have some friends join us!

And now the house is oh so quiet... I think both Jacob and Daddy got pretty worn out..

Thursday, May 27, 2010


What two year old doesn't LOVE water? Jacob was thrilled to pieces when we gave him free reign of the hose while Chris and I washed both cars this past weekend. He started off fully clothed, but we realized that was a mistake early on....

This is how it all started...

I think this is one of my favorite pictures of all time of him. I love how you can see the wet mists of water in his hair. He just looks so sweet, precious, and innocent!

This is FUN!

So drippy...

He was shivering so much and yet he played on!

Daddy's Little Helper

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. If that is really true, Chris ought to be one flattered Daddy these days! Jacob is interested in all things Daddy and wants to help, help, help!

Time for sprucing of the front flower bed!

Jacob helping with the annual planting of the front flower bed.
May 15, 2010

Watering the new flowers!

Spring car wash day!
May 23, 2010

Jacob helped Daddy with the hose!

Cutting the grass together.
May 24, 2010

What a big helper Daddy has!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Fun at the Ballpark

Spring is in full swing in the Bluegrass and so is the church softball league. There is nothing more fun than a spring night at the ballpark with family and friends.

This year is proving to be more challenging than years past as Jacob isn't really interested in sitting his stroller for the whole game. So I've really only seen bits and pieces of the games this year since keeping up with a two year old in a wide open space is a challenge.

Here are some pictures of our fun last night... Oh, and yes, they won!

Chris hit a triple!

Chris' most faithful fan watching him bat yelling, "Go Daddy!"

Jacob found some friends to play ring around the rosie with! He had so much fun!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Jacob Says

Some of these may be repeats, but they are all just too cute to not post!


Snowfakes in it=This is what Jacob says when he sees shampoo bubbles in his hair.

Wee Weeder=Weed eater

Wice Hippies=Rice Krispies



Macky Cheese=Macaroni and Cheese

See um ou deer=I see him out there


Buh-jelly=Peanut butter and jelly

Yes, Jesus hme!= Yes, Jesus loves me!

Ooo WOW=This is one of his favorite expressions to just about anything.

Back kack=Backpack

Grama Roof makin' rockey horsey!=Grandpa Ruth made me my rocking horse.

Knee-other-one (all run together into one word)=Another one

Oh I know there are more, but I can't think of them now! Ugh! I need to be better about keeping my list!

Sorry for the break from blogging. Life has been hectic. Hopefully things have slowed down some and I can keep up a little better. Praying everyone is well!


Wow, I have been on a bit of a blogging hiatus. I guess that means either not much has been happening or I've been too busy to blog. I'd venture to guess it is a combination of the two. Right before vacation our water heater died which was an unexpected additional task to attend to. Thankfully it was fixed within a little over 24 hours and we only had to shower once over at Chris' sister's house (thank you so much for the hot water, Jenn!!).

Last week we went on a family vacation to Lake Cumberland. It is only two hours from here, but a special place for us, since this is where Chris proposed to me over six years ago! Wow, how time flies. It is a state park with a nice little resort/hotel, so we stayed Monday through Friday and had a wonderful time! Jacob was so excited about going on "a-cation!" Every day he would ask us, "a-cation?!" So we had fun counting down the days with him and looking forward to all the fun only vacation can bring.

We did all kinds of things on our trip. We hiked several times, played miniature golf, swam in the indoor pool daily, played on the playground, watched construction equipment at the park, looked at all the boats in the marina, went to the Fish Hatchery, and just enjoyed each other! It was so relaxing and such a needed break away from it all for all of us! I loved every minute!

The highlight for me was the opportunity to do a great deal of hiking! This has been something Chris and I have enjoyed doing together since we were first married. We were excited to be able to hike as a family since there had been days of rain and much flooding throughout the Bluegrass State just days before we left for vacation. We hiked some around Lake Cumberland, went to 76 Falls, the Rock House (terribly MUDDY here, but worth the mess), Dog Slaughter Falls, Cumberland Falls, and Yahoo Falls. Can you see a trend? Chris and I love hiking to waterfalls! We like to hike in general, but it makes all the walking so worth it to see something so lovely at the end! Jacob really enjoyed "riding on Daddy's shoulders" in the "back kack." He even fell asleep in it one day! He liked all the waterfalls and would tell us, "God makin' waterfall!" He is so sweet and so right! I also really enjoyed the time to relax and just be with my family with zero distractions. I suffered some serious beatdowns in Scrabble by my husband, but I've never been much of a game player and have no strategy, so I shouldn't be surprised he beat me every time!

The highlight for Jacob had to be seeing the construction equipment making a new parking lot and then next in line would be swimming in the indoor pool at the hotel. He was so excited to go swim every night. He would shriek and squeal with delight and did amazingly well in the water! No fear whatsoever! Yay! He also really enjoyed riding in the "elegator" (elevator). It had a glass wall and looked over the swimming pool. We had to ride it every time we went to or left the room, so he had lots of fun with that. The playground and miniature golf were also favorites for Jacob.

I'm not really sure what Chris liked the best. I think he enjoyed all of it. I know he liked checking out the hatchery and really enjoyed our days of hiking. His back was sore from the backpack, but I think the hot tub at the hotel helped remedy that. I know he just enjoyed having down time with no worries. When we got home he said, "Vacation is so strange. It is like you are truly disconnected from reality." So true and so enjoyable every now and then!

We are already trying to make plans for more hiking this summer and perhaps even another small vacation. It is so fun to plan and dream! Monday morning is going to be so hard!

Below you will find some pictures of our fun....

Jacob wasn't too interested in having his picture taken with Mommy.

This is my must have picture by the sign.

The slide at the playground was so much fun!

Jacob loved to swim with Daddy every night!

76 Falls. This was also just a short walk from the car; maybe a quarter mile or less. It was an easy walk and very pretty. All the rain did have the water really rushing and I think it might be prettier with a little less water running.

The Rock House. This was just a short walk from the car and oh so muddy! I almost had to leave a shoe behind, I had to pull so hard to get my foot out of it. But it was totally worth it to see this natural rock arch.

Checking out the fish hatchery. It was neat and there were so many trout to see!

Our one and only full family photo from our vacation. This was taken with Cumberland Falls in the background. The rain had everything running so fast and the water was terribly muddy and merky. It wasn't as pretty as times in the past when we've been. We'll go again...

The start of our hike to Dog Slaughter Falls. Jacob really enjoyed riding in Daddy's backpack!

Jacob and Chris at Dog Slaugher Falls. You could get really close to it and it was so pretty! They say it often runs dry in the summer months, so we were thankful for all the rain to see this one at it's peak!

Chris and Jacob at Dog Slaughter Falls.

Mommy and Jacob enjoying a picnic lunch on a rock while enjoying Dog Slaughter Falls. It was so peaceful here!

Jacob loved to play in the sandy shore of the creek at Dog Slaughter Falls. He got soooo messy and had such fun!

The aftermath of a long hike to the falls and a fun picnic. Jacob talked all the way out to the falls and got really quiet on the walk back. When we looked to see what he was up to, this is what we found...

Hiking wears a boy out!

Yahoo Falls. This was just a short quater mile hike and down literally a gazillion steps (not so bad on the way down, but the walk up was exhausting). It was totally worth the short walk. You could walk all the way around the back of the falls, which is how this picture was taken. Yahoo Falls are the highest falls in the state of Kentucky.

Chris showing Jacob how to play miniature golf. Jacob actually did rather well with the mini golf. He cried when it was time to leave.

We are sad "a-cation" is over, but we had a wonderful time!