Dear Friends and Family Both Near and Far,
I've really been dragging my feet about writing this letter. In fact, I even told a friend of mine that I wasn't sure if I would write it because I didn't feel as though anything happened in my family that was "Christmas Letter Worthy." In light of the horrendous tragedy that occurred in Newtown, Connecticut just last week, I realized how grossly wrong I was in making that statement. Life, no matter how mundane, is to be cherished and celebrated. We all saw how quickly life can be snuffed out. Twenty six lives stormed the gates of Heaven all in the matter of 3 minutes. So this year we humbly admit we have taken much for granted and have been blessed with far more than we deserve.
Our 2012 started out a bit rocky with an early Sunday morning phone call informing me that my mother had been rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. After spending four days convinced that my mom had an extremely aggressive form of cancer, we rejoiced to hear she did NOT have cancer....not one mutated cell! She spent 10 days in the hospital and her recovery was slow, but she made it through. Both my older sister, Wendy, and I were able to successfully plan to go to NY to help her at home for one full week each. Chris, my mother in law, and my other sister Jennifer held down the fort while I was away. I am thankful for that week serving my mom and being able to be THERE. I just needed to give her a squeeze. Later in the spring she had her original procedure reversed and all is well! She is healthy and vibrant and you would never know she'd gone through such an ordeal.
Upon my return from NY we were in full swing birthday mode for Joshua and Grace's first birthday! Bye-bye bottles, hello sippy cups and big kids! First birthdays are so much fun and so special! I tackled baking and decorating my first cakes with my older sister's help. Joshua's frog and Grace's butterfly were both totally cute. Unfortunately they both also spent their first birthday with an ear infection, but all things considered we had a fun, quiet family celebration at home. Joshua is our zest for life. He is always mischievous and into something, but his grin and giggle is infectious. He is saying more and more words each day and some of my personal favorites include: "Oh no!" and "Oh...PITY (pretty)!" Gracie is our sweet nurturer. She cries when someone else is hurt or in trouble and is so cute to request hugs. She loves to give running commentary of all that she sees and her vocabulary is bursting forth!
In March we celebrated Jacob's fourth birthday! Wow! How on earth is he big enough for that?! Jacob started PreK in August and LOVES to go to school. He attends on M, W, and F for three hours in the morning. He also tremendously enjoyed going on his first overnight camping trip with Daddy this summer as well as playing T-Ball on our local YMCA team. Jacob is our leader. He is eager to learn and to please and wants to be twenty and work with his dad. He attends Cubbies (AWANA) at church each week and memorizes his Scripture so quickly! We are proud of him and enjoy hearing him ask many questions about Jesus and how to live for him. We see God working in his little life and we are so excited God has included us in His plan for him.
Chris still works at Lockheed Martin as a purchasing supervisor. He seems to really enjoy the work he does and is always eager to be challenged more. He seems to care a lot for his team and wants to do as much as he can. He is an amazing Dad and always so willing to give me a break here and there or help me with everyone around the house. He and I are teaching the two year old Sunday School at church this year and he continues to serve in the sound booth and various other activities in our church.
I currently stay at home with our three children. I spend a lot of time acting as the bus service to get Jacob to and from school each day and spend the rest of my time attempting to maintain peace in a home with a four year old and two 22 month olds in it. I am teaching the Puggles (AWANA) class again this year and as I mentioned above, Chris and I are also teaching the two year old Sunday school class. We are having so much fun with this assignment and I'm so glad God lead us to do this. These kids keep us hopping, but boy are they fun!
We don't know yet what God holds in store for our family in 2013, but from the tiny glimpses He has shared with us, we are excited to see His plan unfold for us throughout the year. We pray God will be active and real in your life throughout the coming year and that you will cling to His promises of hope.
Love in Christ,
Chris, Katrina, Jacob, Joshua, and Grace
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
If you are on Facebook at all, I'm sure you've seen your news feed full of the "thankful status posts." I find it so encouraging to read all the things my friends and family are thankful for throughout the month of November. It makes me wonder what our lives would be like if we could carry that outlook beyond the screen, iPhone, iPad, or even just the month of November? Would we be changed? I think we would. While I haven't participated in the "thankful status updates" myself, I have been having fun reflecting and thinking in the days leading up to Thanksgiving about all God has graciously (yes, GRACIOUSLY--I didn't earn any of it) blessed my family with. So, to copy my friends on facebook, I've been inspired! I will do my own list of things I am thankful for. One for each day of the month of November.
I am thankful (read blessed, grateful, so happy to have, overjoyed with, etc.) for:
1-The indwelling of the Holy Spirit. What a gift! I'd be so lost without it!
2- My church family. I have learned SO MUCH about what it means to live my life with a gospel focus there. Best church. Ever.
3-My wonderful husband who tirelessly goes out the door each and every day to earn a living in order to provide for his family. And he does it without complaining--not something I can say about my work ethic... Then comes home to chaos and a frazzled wife and still keeps a positive attitude. I am thankful for his insight into things and his leadership. I am thankful that he loves me. The real me. Not the "I want you to like me" me.
4-Jacob! I love his curiosity, desire to learn, and that he is!
5-Joshua! I adore his free abandon and total spunk. This boy loves life (and food)!
6-Gracie Beth! God knew just what I needed when He gave me her...
7-My parents. They sit and just simply watch my kids play over Skype. Sometimes it is because the kids asked to talk to Grandma or Grandpa on the computer. Sometimes it is because Mommy has been home alone all day long and needs another "adult" to keep me company. And so, we just sit...on Skype...watching my kids play. Somehow a long day alone gets easier with their "company." I love them.
8-My in-laws. I am so thankful I don't have any of "those" stories to tell about my in-laws. I have never felt anything less than loved and a total part of the family. I adore how they adore my children and I learn daily from them about living Christ out through sacrifice and love! I am thankful my children see them so often.
9-My sister, Jennifer. Sometimes my sister calls me to ask me if I've bought a birthday gift for so and so and when I say no, she just sweetly says, "okay, then you now owe me $20" and buys an item she's found on super sale and let's me look like a super cool Aunt. I love that. I love that she "gets" that I don't exactly get out to leisurely shop often with three kiddos in tow (is anything leisurely with three kiddos in tow?). I love that she shows up at my house at 8:30AM just to see my kids for 10 minutes between appointments.
10-My sister, Wendy. She's my deal finder, internet searching, research question go to girl! If I can't find an item I want, she finds it for me and sends 3 links and 5 photos from her iPhone for me. I love that she has truly become a Michigander and loves her home. I love that she stays home and raises her boys.
11-My brother, Bill. I am thankful for his legacy as a Ruth. I am thankful he works hard and is passionate about what he does. I love that he now has a job he loves. I LOVE to tease him about UK basketball...
12-My sister-in-law, Shelley. I love that she loves my brother! I love how she is raising my nephews and how hard she works. I do not know how she works as hard as she does, at a job as demanding as it is, and does so much with her boys on top of it. Shelley is super mom.
13-My other sister-in-law, Jenn. What a sweet, loving, kind spirit! Jenn just oozes love for the Lord and I adore that about her! I love how she longs to see our kids and giggles at our silly videos on facebook. I love that she took time out of her busy day to send a worn out mom a sweet encouraging note. I love her music and to listen to her worship!
14-My brother-in-laws. Joseph, Chris, and Luke. These guys are alllllllllllll so very different, yet I feel like they add so much that is unique to our family. Joe is super protector and I know if I ever need someone to get my back when Chris is gone, he will drop everything to be here. I love that he secretly has a really soft spot in his heart for Jacob. Chris is my go to man when I need help with anything techie! I think I call him every single year at Christmas to help me with my shopping for MY Chris. He will do anything for me and much like Wendy, send me 3 links and 5 photos from his iPhone. I love how he was there for me when Joshua had his allergic reaction to eggs and we were introduced for the epi pen...talking to me from work to confirm what I was seeing and helping us navigate all the doctor visits. Luke is an awesome video game player and Jacob adores him. I love that Jacob adores him. Luke reads Bible stories at night with all the voices and I think that is pretty darn cool, too.
15-NEPHEWS! God has blessed me with some pretty awesome nephews! Andrew is AMAZING with my kids. Amazing. He is growing up into such a young man and I miss having dance parties and jumping on the bed with him, but I love having "real" conversations with him too. He does "cool" stuff too and Jacob loves to watch him do those things. William and Ben live too far away! I adore how William is sooooooooooo sweet with Grace. Super sweet. Smother her with love sweet. It makes my heart melt. I love how Ben is a man of few words and wants to sit on my lap still and be my partner when we play games I'm not good at. I love his laugh. Anderson and Jonathan are too far away too! I love how quietly talented Anderson is. Swim team, piano, great student, math wiz...the kid picks up anything he tries. Jonathan is totally a DUDE. I love that he is ALL boy. I love him in his smart man glasses and hearing my sister shriek when he gets a touchdown in football.
16-My home. You know, I struggle with this one sometimes. I struggle with contentment. Oh, how I would love a larger home to open to others often, but you know, this is where God has us and He can still us our hospitality through our small home. I am thankful we are cozy and snug here together. I am thankful to be safe from the elements.
17-Provision. I am thankful I can make a menu plan, go to the grocery and shop, buying the healthy things I desire for my children, and have no fear of whether or not the money will be there. This goes back to my thankfulness for the hard working hubby.
18-Our van. When you have three kids a large car that your WHOLE family fits in at one time is a big deal! I'm thankful God provided this for us right when we needed it most.
19-Access to His word through the Bible with no fear of persecution. I'm so glad that when I have a question about life, I can go to His word and He is faithful to provide an answer!
20-Jacob's school. I am so thankful for our school decision for Jacob for this year. What a wonderful first school experience he is having and we are so blessed and thankful! I pray each year can be this meaningful to him. Would you join us in prayer as we make some tough choices pertaining to school for next year in the very near future?
21-Teaching BFG. I love teaching our two year olds! They are so much fun!
22-Chocolate. I can't let this one slide by. I love chocolate. All shapes and forms. I don't really discriminate.
23-A washing machine and dish washer. A family of five produces a lot of laundry and dishes in a day. I'm glad I don't have to do any of those things by hand. And I complain that I have to hang the laundry up.....
24-Sewing and a sewing machine. I have found so much joy in creating things and doing it fairly successfully! Sewing makes me feel all homemaker-ish. Ha, ha.
25-For sound guidance of friends over parenting issues. Chris and I are the parents we are because of our church body. We would not know what we were doing without them. They challenge us to think outside the box and I love it.
26-Pictures. There is just something so fun about going back to look at old photos! I'm thankful my mom taught us to keep photo albums and trips home always involve a stop in the den to look something up in a photo album. I love remembering things and enjoying those memories.
27-Motherhood. I love being a mom! It is the hardest job....ever. Some days I want to submit my resignation and quit--or at least submit a lot of PTO all at once, but in all seriousness I adore my children. I love watching them bloom. I love pouring into them all of God's goodness.
28-Computers. I'm so thankful I have access to things like Skype so my parents can see my children grow and randomly sit "with" me to watch them play. I love e-mail and facebook. I enjoy keeping up to date with my nephews and siblings through technology.
29-Praise and Worship. I love to sing. I love to praise Him. I love to praise Him through song.
30-For this exercise. Actually making a list of the things I am thankful for makes me realize I have little to complain or sulk about and lots and lots to praise Him about.
So, what about you? What are YOU thankful for?
I am thankful (read blessed, grateful, so happy to have, overjoyed with, etc.) for:
1-The indwelling of the Holy Spirit. What a gift! I'd be so lost without it!
2- My church family. I have learned SO MUCH about what it means to live my life with a gospel focus there. Best church. Ever.
3-My wonderful husband who tirelessly goes out the door each and every day to earn a living in order to provide for his family. And he does it without complaining--not something I can say about my work ethic... Then comes home to chaos and a frazzled wife and still keeps a positive attitude. I am thankful for his insight into things and his leadership. I am thankful that he loves me. The real me. Not the "I want you to like me" me.
4-Jacob! I love his curiosity, desire to learn, and that he is!
5-Joshua! I adore his free abandon and total spunk. This boy loves life (and food)!
6-Gracie Beth! God knew just what I needed when He gave me her...
7-My parents. They sit and just simply watch my kids play over Skype. Sometimes it is because the kids asked to talk to Grandma or Grandpa on the computer. Sometimes it is because Mommy has been home alone all day long and needs another "adult" to keep me company. And so, we just sit...on Skype...watching my kids play. Somehow a long day alone gets easier with their "company." I love them.
8-My in-laws. I am so thankful I don't have any of "those" stories to tell about my in-laws. I have never felt anything less than loved and a total part of the family. I adore how they adore my children and I learn daily from them about living Christ out through sacrifice and love! I am thankful my children see them so often.
9-My sister, Jennifer. Sometimes my sister calls me to ask me if I've bought a birthday gift for so and so and when I say no, she just sweetly says, "okay, then you now owe me $20" and buys an item she's found on super sale and let's me look like a super cool Aunt. I love that. I love that she "gets" that I don't exactly get out to leisurely shop often with three kiddos in tow (is anything leisurely with three kiddos in tow?). I love that she shows up at my house at 8:30AM just to see my kids for 10 minutes between appointments.
10-My sister, Wendy. She's my deal finder, internet searching, research question go to girl! If I can't find an item I want, she finds it for me and sends 3 links and 5 photos from her iPhone for me. I love that she has truly become a Michigander and loves her home. I love that she stays home and raises her boys.
11-My brother, Bill. I am thankful for his legacy as a Ruth. I am thankful he works hard and is passionate about what he does. I love that he now has a job he loves. I LOVE to tease him about UK basketball...
12-My sister-in-law, Shelley. I love that she loves my brother! I love how she is raising my nephews and how hard she works. I do not know how she works as hard as she does, at a job as demanding as it is, and does so much with her boys on top of it. Shelley is super mom.
13-My other sister-in-law, Jenn. What a sweet, loving, kind spirit! Jenn just oozes love for the Lord and I adore that about her! I love how she longs to see our kids and giggles at our silly videos on facebook. I love that she took time out of her busy day to send a worn out mom a sweet encouraging note. I love her music and to listen to her worship!
14-My brother-in-laws. Joseph, Chris, and Luke. These guys are alllllllllllll so very different, yet I feel like they add so much that is unique to our family. Joe is super protector and I know if I ever need someone to get my back when Chris is gone, he will drop everything to be here. I love that he secretly has a really soft spot in his heart for Jacob. Chris is my go to man when I need help with anything techie! I think I call him every single year at Christmas to help me with my shopping for MY Chris. He will do anything for me and much like Wendy, send me 3 links and 5 photos from his iPhone. I love how he was there for me when Joshua had his allergic reaction to eggs and we were introduced for the epi pen...talking to me from work to confirm what I was seeing and helping us navigate all the doctor visits. Luke is an awesome video game player and Jacob adores him. I love that Jacob adores him. Luke reads Bible stories at night with all the voices and I think that is pretty darn cool, too.
15-NEPHEWS! God has blessed me with some pretty awesome nephews! Andrew is AMAZING with my kids. Amazing. He is growing up into such a young man and I miss having dance parties and jumping on the bed with him, but I love having "real" conversations with him too. He does "cool" stuff too and Jacob loves to watch him do those things. William and Ben live too far away! I adore how William is sooooooooooo sweet with Grace. Super sweet. Smother her with love sweet. It makes my heart melt. I love how Ben is a man of few words and wants to sit on my lap still and be my partner when we play games I'm not good at. I love his laugh. Anderson and Jonathan are too far away too! I love how quietly talented Anderson is. Swim team, piano, great student, math wiz...the kid picks up anything he tries. Jonathan is totally a DUDE. I love that he is ALL boy. I love him in his smart man glasses and hearing my sister shriek when he gets a touchdown in football.
16-My home. You know, I struggle with this one sometimes. I struggle with contentment. Oh, how I would love a larger home to open to others often, but you know, this is where God has us and He can still us our hospitality through our small home. I am thankful we are cozy and snug here together. I am thankful to be safe from the elements.
17-Provision. I am thankful I can make a menu plan, go to the grocery and shop, buying the healthy things I desire for my children, and have no fear of whether or not the money will be there. This goes back to my thankfulness for the hard working hubby.
18-Our van. When you have three kids a large car that your WHOLE family fits in at one time is a big deal! I'm thankful God provided this for us right when we needed it most.
19-Access to His word through the Bible with no fear of persecution. I'm so glad that when I have a question about life, I can go to His word and He is faithful to provide an answer!
20-Jacob's school. I am so thankful for our school decision for Jacob for this year. What a wonderful first school experience he is having and we are so blessed and thankful! I pray each year can be this meaningful to him. Would you join us in prayer as we make some tough choices pertaining to school for next year in the very near future?
21-Teaching BFG. I love teaching our two year olds! They are so much fun!
22-Chocolate. I can't let this one slide by. I love chocolate. All shapes and forms. I don't really discriminate.
23-A washing machine and dish washer. A family of five produces a lot of laundry and dishes in a day. I'm glad I don't have to do any of those things by hand. And I complain that I have to hang the laundry up.....
24-Sewing and a sewing machine. I have found so much joy in creating things and doing it fairly successfully! Sewing makes me feel all homemaker-ish. Ha, ha.
25-For sound guidance of friends over parenting issues. Chris and I are the parents we are because of our church body. We would not know what we were doing without them. They challenge us to think outside the box and I love it.
26-Pictures. There is just something so fun about going back to look at old photos! I'm thankful my mom taught us to keep photo albums and trips home always involve a stop in the den to look something up in a photo album. I love remembering things and enjoying those memories.
27-Motherhood. I love being a mom! It is the hardest job....ever. Some days I want to submit my resignation and quit--or at least submit a lot of PTO all at once, but in all seriousness I adore my children. I love watching them bloom. I love pouring into them all of God's goodness.
28-Computers. I'm so thankful I have access to things like Skype so my parents can see my children grow and randomly sit "with" me to watch them play. I love e-mail and facebook. I enjoy keeping up to date with my nephews and siblings through technology.
29-Praise and Worship. I love to sing. I love to praise Him. I love to praise Him through song.
30-For this exercise. Actually making a list of the things I am thankful for makes me realize I have little to complain or sulk about and lots and lots to praise Him about.
So, what about you? What are YOU thankful for?
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
We love the books in the If You Give a Moose a Muffin series by Laura Joffe Numeroff. The pictures are cute and the characters are dragged off on wild tangents by a cute animal character. Recently I saw a post on Facebook where the story had been adapted to tell a tale about a Mom. I chuckled at the story and moved on, but recently I've begun to see a lot of truth in that story! Some days I become so frustrated that my brain does not retain information like it used to. Memorizing Scripture or remembering to do something I promised someone I would do is painfully difficult. My brain is going in so many directions at one time. It can be difficult to formulate a coherent thought never mind complete a task from start to finish. I've become a fragmented mess! I fragment! Me! Start to finish, A-Z, ME! It is rare that I finish things (at least in the order intended to be completed) because I often forget what I started in the first place. I'll give you an idea of what it looks like by telling you what happened in my brain today during the 30 minutes that I allowed my children to watch a program on PBS.
The kids finished lunch and I got them up and put on their video, returning to the kitchen to clean up the dishes, etc. While cleaning the dishes I heard some mischief in the video room and looked in to find Grace unfolding a large basket of laundry I had sitting out. So I sat on the floor and refolded the laundry and took it to our bedroom. I started putting away the laundry and went into the babies' room. Entering their room with a hand full of laundry, I saw a mess on the floor. The mess needed to be picked up. So I started cleaning. I found a snack cup on the floor that was dirty and took it to the kitchen. Oh yeah! I was cleaning the kitchen and never finished it. I started putting more dishes away in the dishwasher and wiping off the table. Joshua came into the kitchen while I was cleaning off the table and he had a dirty diaper. I took him back to his room to change the diaper. We're getting low on wipes! I change the diaper and refill the wipes and while I'm at it I refill the basket of diapers because it is low too. Now....what was I doing? Oh! I was putting away laundry. I grab another stack and go into Jacob's room. Oops! I forgot to make his bed this morning. I make his bed and in the meantime discover his floor is a mess too and start picking up toys. Oh my, there are all his clothes from swim class today. You know what? I probably ought to start a load of laundry so I don't have to do laundry tomorrow with Bible study and church going on. Hmmmm...I think there are clothes in my closet and Joshua and Grace's closet to run through a load. I go about scooping up laundry and take them to the kitchen and start a load. Oh! I haven't finished cleaning up the kitchen yet! Clean, clean, clean. What next? Oh the laundry. I haven't finished putting the laundry away! I go back to the basket and grab another heap and think, you know, I really need to wash the bathroom towels in the master bathroom. I better scoop those up. You know what? I cannot remember the last time I changed the sheets on Joshua and Grace's cribs. I better do those, too. I go about changing sheets. I bring the pile of dirty sheets and come guessed it...the kitchen! Oh dear, I forgot to start cooking the chicken for dinner tonight. Better get that started before I forget! Oh no! Video is over?! Time for naps. I walk into the bedrooms only to see neatly stacked piles of laundry that I kept bringing into the bedrooms, but never got to put away because I kept getting distracted to do something else. Better put those away. Oops! Kids are running wild. Yup, it is time for naps! Better put them down for a nap. What is that smell? Oh! The chicken is on the stove. It's done. Go turn that off! Oh yeah, don't forget to pay the bills today. Must pay bills....
I could go on and on....this is pretty much how my brain works all day long. This is why I have such a hard time getting from start to finish on anything I attempt to do!
So if you interact with a mom, or she tells you she'll call or do this or that for you, have patience with her. She means well and will do her best to do whatever she told you she would do. It just might take her a little extra time to get all the way from A down to Z.
The kids finished lunch and I got them up and put on their video, returning to the kitchen to clean up the dishes, etc. While cleaning the dishes I heard some mischief in the video room and looked in to find Grace unfolding a large basket of laundry I had sitting out. So I sat on the floor and refolded the laundry and took it to our bedroom. I started putting away the laundry and went into the babies' room. Entering their room with a hand full of laundry, I saw a mess on the floor. The mess needed to be picked up. So I started cleaning. I found a snack cup on the floor that was dirty and took it to the kitchen. Oh yeah! I was cleaning the kitchen and never finished it. I started putting more dishes away in the dishwasher and wiping off the table. Joshua came into the kitchen while I was cleaning off the table and he had a dirty diaper. I took him back to his room to change the diaper. We're getting low on wipes! I change the diaper and refill the wipes and while I'm at it I refill the basket of diapers because it is low too. Now....what was I doing? Oh! I was putting away laundry. I grab another stack and go into Jacob's room. Oops! I forgot to make his bed this morning. I make his bed and in the meantime discover his floor is a mess too and start picking up toys. Oh my, there are all his clothes from swim class today. You know what? I probably ought to start a load of laundry so I don't have to do laundry tomorrow with Bible study and church going on. Hmmmm...I think there are clothes in my closet and Joshua and Grace's closet to run through a load. I go about scooping up laundry and take them to the kitchen and start a load. Oh! I haven't finished cleaning up the kitchen yet! Clean, clean, clean. What next? Oh the laundry. I haven't finished putting the laundry away! I go back to the basket and grab another heap and think, you know, I really need to wash the bathroom towels in the master bathroom. I better scoop those up. You know what? I cannot remember the last time I changed the sheets on Joshua and Grace's cribs. I better do those, too. I go about changing sheets. I bring the pile of dirty sheets and come guessed it...the kitchen! Oh dear, I forgot to start cooking the chicken for dinner tonight. Better get that started before I forget! Oh no! Video is over?! Time for naps. I walk into the bedrooms only to see neatly stacked piles of laundry that I kept bringing into the bedrooms, but never got to put away because I kept getting distracted to do something else. Better put those away. Oops! Kids are running wild. Yup, it is time for naps! Better put them down for a nap. What is that smell? Oh! The chicken is on the stove. It's done. Go turn that off! Oh yeah, don't forget to pay the bills today. Must pay bills....
I could go on and on....this is pretty much how my brain works all day long. This is why I have such a hard time getting from start to finish on anything I attempt to do!
So if you interact with a mom, or she tells you she'll call or do this or that for you, have patience with her. She means well and will do her best to do whatever she told you she would do. It just might take her a little extra time to get all the way from A down to Z.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Annual Pumpkin Patch Photos!
We made our annual trek to the pumpkin patch today! It was a crisp, cool, Autumn morning. We were a tad disappointed since there didn't seem to be quite the plethora of pumpkins out this year, but that's okay, we still had fun!
Pleased as Punch
This lil' punkin'.......
was pleased as punch....
with HIS lil' punkin'....
he didn't even want to....
put it down!
As Promised...
As promised, some documentation of more of my handiwork. Project #3 (after completing PJ pants for the boys) was this skirt for Grace. When I embarked on the journey I intended to make this band at the bottom a ruffled band. After about thirty minutes into the project I totally abandoned that idea (okay, I chickened out) and went for the basic straight band. I love how it turned out and there are many more skirts on the horizon.... I have visions in my mind of a gorgeous fall colored skirt made with deep orange, rust red, brown, and cream. And perhaps even a ruffle..... I need to get on it before fall escapes me! Oooo...and I can see a Christmas skirt coming down the pike, too! So much fun!
Needless to say, I am happy with how it turned out and she couldn't be cuter in it!
Needless to say, I am happy with how it turned out and she couldn't be cuter in it!
Autumn Hike!
We took a day trip to the Red River Gorge and did some hiking (along with half of Kentucky, apparently). It was a beautiful autumn day with temps in the low 70's and bright blue skies. Our previous hike earlier this fall showed the front pack to be too cumbersome for lengthy hikes for me with Grace in it. Twenty pounds hanging off the front makes balance difficult and it is impossible to see your feet! Thankfully friends of ours had a nice metal frame pack like the one Chris uses for the boys and allowed us to borrow it. While it was heavy and I was quite worn out by the end, it was totally worth it! Not sure how many more hikes we'll make until the kiddos are old enough to walk it responsibly on their own. I think I've only got the stamina to handle five pounds or more out of Gracie before I can't make it. It was a busy day on the trails since it was so pretty, but the sights were well worth dealing with the "traffic!"
We took a "pit stop" on the hike in for a scenic overlook. Unfortunately the sun was so bright it washed out the scenic part of the photo! You could see the ravine and all the autumn colors. Pretty!
Don't you just love how my amazing husband loves his boys? I sure do! :-)
Of course, no trip is complete without someone falling asleep in the pack. It is almost always Joshua!
We took a "pit stop" on the hike in for a scenic overlook. Unfortunately the sun was so bright it washed out the scenic part of the photo! You could see the ravine and all the autumn colors. Pretty!
Don't you just love how my amazing husband loves his boys? I sure do! :-)
I swear this backpack was not nearly as heavy as I make it look! The first one I am leaning forward because I was trying to sit on the ledge and it was pushing me over. The second one...I don't know. It is a workout to add about a quarter of your body weight to your back!
Of course, no trip is complete without someone falling asleep in the pack. It is almost always Joshua!
We had such a nice time together as a family, enjoying God's beautiful creation!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
What Happened to September?
Where have I been?! I fell off the wagon and missed posting for a whole month! Things have been.......wild..... Let's recap:
On August 28th we had Joshua and Grace's 18 month portraits done by a very talented sweetheart in our church. We went to a local historical site and did them outdoors and we had so much fun! Since she was so willing to do all the kiddos, we went ahead and had her take some shots of Jacob, too! I'm thrilled with the final product! Now if I would just get myself in gear and get them ordered for the frames...
On the 30th of August I prepared pancakes for lunch and threw some fried eggs on the griddle too for a little protein. Joshua took one bite and it quickly became apparent something was wrong. He started kind of moaning and his voice got real hoarse sounding. He broke out in hives around his mouth and his eye started to itch and swell up. I tried hard not to panic, but it was hard not to freak out! Later in September we were able to take him to an allergist to have him tested for an allergy to eggs. Yup, he's allergic! We now carry an epi-pen for those moments like the one that happened in August. Thankfully he can still eat things with eggs baked in (like cookies and cake--the most important food group, ever!), just no raw egg products (mayo, some salad dressings, cookie dough, etc) or straight eggs (like scrambled eggs or fried eggs), or super eggy products (like custard). We've really been able to manage it quite easily and he doesn't seem to miss out on much, though it does crimp our style when it comes to breakfast for dinner, since that is one of the most beloved meals I can make in this home. We just adjust and Joshua doesn't eat eggs. Here is a picture of what happened to his face that scary day.... The picture really doesn't do it justice, but you can see how swollen his eye is and how his lips and cheeks were also swollen. In retrospect I probably should have opted to take him to the ER, rather than simply calling the nurse at the pediatricians office. This one would have qualified as epi-pen necessary.
Jacob also started taking swimming lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays at our local YMCA. He's half way through his classes and I've been impressed by how much he's improving already! He loves it!
So that was what happened to September in a nutshell. Add to that mix the every day stuff like keeping a clean home, caring for and correcting children, three meals a day, groceries, meal plans, daily laundry, doctor's appointments, church commitments, consignment sales, shuttling to and from PreK three days a week, BSF starting back up.... Well, yes, we've been busy. Sometimes I find myself getting caught up in the business of it all. Shuttle here, load kids there, discipline here, wipe a nose... Well, it can all become a bit mechanical. When I see all we've done and been blessed to do this month I am in awe of all the ways God is with us, around us, protecting us, and loving us. How thankful am I that I have a Father who has so graciously woven my life story into the lives of these.
On August 28th we had Joshua and Grace's 18 month portraits done by a very talented sweetheart in our church. We went to a local historical site and did them outdoors and we had so much fun! Since she was so willing to do all the kiddos, we went ahead and had her take some shots of Jacob, too! I'm thrilled with the final product! Now if I would just get myself in gear and get them ordered for the frames...
On the 30th of August I prepared pancakes for lunch and threw some fried eggs on the griddle too for a little protein. Joshua took one bite and it quickly became apparent something was wrong. He started kind of moaning and his voice got real hoarse sounding. He broke out in hives around his mouth and his eye started to itch and swell up. I tried hard not to panic, but it was hard not to freak out! Later in September we were able to take him to an allergist to have him tested for an allergy to eggs. Yup, he's allergic! We now carry an epi-pen for those moments like the one that happened in August. Thankfully he can still eat things with eggs baked in (like cookies and cake--the most important food group, ever!), just no raw egg products (mayo, some salad dressings, cookie dough, etc) or straight eggs (like scrambled eggs or fried eggs), or super eggy products (like custard). We've really been able to manage it quite easily and he doesn't seem to miss out on much, though it does crimp our style when it comes to breakfast for dinner, since that is one of the most beloved meals I can make in this home. We just adjust and Joshua doesn't eat eggs. Here is a picture of what happened to his face that scary day.... The picture really doesn't do it justice, but you can see how swollen his eye is and how his lips and cheeks were also swollen. In retrospect I probably should have opted to take him to the ER, rather than simply calling the nurse at the pediatricians office. This one would have qualified as epi-pen necessary.
In the middle of August Chris and I committed to teaching the 2 year old BFG (Sunday School) at our church each Sunday. What an adventure and blessing that has been! There is a curriculum to help us plan our lessons each week, but we are definitely finding you have got to be lively and creative to keep 2 year olds on task with you! Honestly, it has been a deep blessing in my life and I'm so glad we're doing it. We've made a couple projects with the kids in our class and we're thankful to have our very own set of guinea pigs to try our ideas out on first at home. The most popular activity has been our quiet table time activity (what we do right before parents arrive to pick up)--Pom Pom Push It In! Who knew? You put a hole in the lid of a plastic container and buy pom poms and let the kiddos push them into the cups. They l-o-v-e it! And ours do too!
Over the Labor Day weekend we were blessed to visit with Chris' cousin, Jim and his wife, Amanda. They had a sweet baby girl 10 weeks before her due date. After many weeks in the NICU and several weeks adjusting to life at home, they were finally able to make a trip to Lexington to visit with family. What a sweet and precious time to hold baby Sarah and marvel over the intricacies of this life. Our God is so good and Sarah is just adorable and truly a miracle! We had so much fun visiting them Sunday after church. This is what happened to our kiddos before we were even out of the subdivision!
We spent Labor Day itself in Hustonville. It was a cold, wet, dreary day and we figured Granddaddy wouldn't be too busy working the farm that day! So we made a last minute trip and got to visit with Grandmama, Granddaddy, Great Grandmama Neva, and Great Granddaddy Buzzy. What fun! Of course, no trip is complete without sending the "men folk" out in the farm truck to check the cattle.
Somewhere in the wildness of the month we squeezed in a family movie night and some mama snuggles with a couple of her loves...
And another. Just 'cuz I love 'em.
It has been turning slowly to Autumn in Kentucky. And Autumn spells hiking for the Burris Clan. We went wild and tried out a new spot in Frankfort this time. What fun! We saw a waterfall and a turtle and some other unmentionable reptile that my mother would die if she knew we came across one. We love to hike, but boy, Mommy and Daddy sure do look forward to the day that we can pull simply our own body weight again, not an additional twenty some pounds!
On the 17th of September Jacob had his first ever school field trip! I got to go as a chaperon and we had so much fun picking apples at the apple orchard, going on a hay ride, and eating doughnuts with apple cider!
And later that same night, Aunt Jenn stopped in to have dinner with us!
And sometimes in the middle of a hectic and crazy month you just have to act....silly and crazy!
And what does every sane person do right in the middle of a crazy busy month? Teach themselves a new skill, right?! I'm not sure what possessed me, but I decided I wanted to learn to sew. I haven't touched a sewing machine since my 8th Grade Home Economics class. My sister lent me her ancient hand me down machine from our Aunt (sorry Aunt Laurie, but the thing really is ancient!) and I taught myself everything I needed to know as far as basics go. How to thread it, fill a bobbin, thread the bobbin, and sew a seam. I decided to start out making PJ pants for the boys and then made a skirt for Grace. I haven't loaded my completed photo of Grace's skirt yet, but you can watch for that one to come. I've had fun squeezing and hour in here or there to sew during nap time or bedtime.
Jacob also started taking swimming lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays at our local YMCA. He's half way through his classes and I've been impressed by how much he's improving already! He loves it!
So that was what happened to September in a nutshell. Add to that mix the every day stuff like keeping a clean home, caring for and correcting children, three meals a day, groceries, meal plans, daily laundry, doctor's appointments, church commitments, consignment sales, shuttling to and from PreK three days a week, BSF starting back up.... Well, yes, we've been busy. Sometimes I find myself getting caught up in the business of it all. Shuttle here, load kids there, discipline here, wipe a nose... Well, it can all become a bit mechanical. When I see all we've done and been blessed to do this month I am in awe of all the ways God is with us, around us, protecting us, and loving us. How thankful am I that I have a Father who has so graciously woven my life story into the lives of these.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Stop It!
There has been waaaayyyyyyyyy too much growing up going on in the Burri Residence recently. This mama cannot stand it!
Joshua and Grace are now 18 months old. EIGHTEEN months! That is one and a half! Almost to two! When did that happen?! They moved up from the nursery wing at church to the preschool wing. Big kids!
Joshua got his first big boy hair cut from Daddy recently. He really seemed to like it and handled it so much better than Jacob ever did at this age!
Joshua and Grace are now 18 months old. EIGHTEEN months! That is one and a half! Almost to two! When did that happen?! They moved up from the nursery wing at church to the preschool wing. Big kids!
Joshua got his first big boy hair cut from Daddy recently. He really seemed to like it and handled it so much better than Jacob ever did at this age!
I think he thought the clippers felt funny!
The "after" shot. WOW. Big boy with big baby blues! Look out world!
Jacob and I started another year of AWANA a couple weeks ago. He is in year two of Cubbies and I am starting my fourth year with helping in the Puggles class (2 year olds). For those who don't know, Chris and I have also been blessed to take on teaching the 2 year old Sunday School class each week at church. they have a lot of energy, but wow, are we going to be so blessed to watch them grow this year! Every week is so much fun!
He wins the "most handsome Cubbie" award in my book! So proud of him and all the Scripture he memorizes each week!
Hard to imagine that this time next year I'll have two more Puggles in this photo and in my class! We love AWANA!
Of course, the growth that has really been a show stopper has been the fact that Jacob started Pre-K at Trinity Christian Academy! He goes three days a week for three hours in the morning and he loves it. In fact, he told me he loves it more than anything! I think he is truly disappointed that he only gets to go three days a week! There is a car line and you can drop them off there or walk them in. They sit in fellowship hall until 8:25 when the teachers come and pick up each one of the classes. We walked him in the first day (of course) and then I thought for sure I should walk him in the second day. Well, I walked him in, but he definitely didn't want me to. He said, " just drop me off here, I walk through these doors, go to my left and into the door with the cross, go into the fellowship, and sit in the front row! Then my teacher comes! I know what to do!" Not sure if Mommy will drop him in the car line alone on day three or not..... Needless to say, I've been feeling rather nostalgic recently. How did he get this big?
So excited for the first day of Pre-K at Trinity Christian Academy!
He was beyond excited the first day! He jumped out of bed and was ready to go!
As our family has grown, I've noticed I find myself saying things more frequently about, "how did we get here?" or "it happened so fast!" Seriously kiddos, I love you, and I want you to grow, but boy oh boy...seeing each of you spread your sweet wings sure does tug at a mama's heart strings! Stop growing up so fast!
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