(Take note that Grace is on complete tip toe and still shorter than her brother....)
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
So, I know I totally posted a bath photo collection recently, but who, in their right mind, can resist cute, fat, rolly, polly naked baby butts?! They will HATE me for this photo one day....

(Take note that Grace is on complete tip toe and still shorter than her brother....)
(Take note that Grace is on complete tip toe and still shorter than her brother....)
My Daily Workout
Who needs organized exercise routines when you have three kidlets? I get to push THIS down the hall for my weight training, heft the porky one on my hip while doing just about everything, swing the petite one around one handed while hefting the porky one, and chase the tall one in a game of tag. Sounds like a well rounded routine to me!
A Girl After Mommy's Own Heart
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
In Burri News
In the latest news at the Burri household:
Super duper fun!

Hey brother, can I brush your head with my toothbrush?

My first time brushing my "teefers" alone!

Did you know this tooth brushing thing is GREAT when mommy let's us use TOOTH PASTE?

You're a good brusher, sister! Good job getting the back ones, brother!

And in other news, Jacob is working on learning how to write his letters! So far we have learned J and A. Next comes C-O-B! Good work concentrating and trying so HARD to make those beautiful "A's" Jacob! I quote Jacob, "writing is hard!" (They are hard to see, but look close and you can see rows of BEAUTIFUL A's!)
Hey brother, can I brush your head with my toothbrush?
My first time brushing my "teefers" alone!
Did you know this tooth brushing thing is GREAT when mommy let's us use TOOTH PASTE?
You're a good brusher, sister! Good job getting the back ones, brother!
And in other news, Jacob is working on learning how to write his letters! So far we have learned J and A. Next comes C-O-B! Good work concentrating and trying so HARD to make those beautiful "A's" Jacob! I quote Jacob, "writing is hard!" (They are hard to see, but look close and you can see rows of BEAUTIFUL A's!)
Friday, January 6, 2012
Seeing Eye to Eye
They may be twins, but they do NOT see eye to eye on much.
Gracie would rather sweetly play with one thing that is interesting. Joshua wants to bulldoze the house, smash everything into the floor, or whack it on something.
Joshua wants to EAT, all the time, all things! Gracie is a bit more particular about her tastes, though she will try many things. She just doesn't LOVE all things like Joshua does.
Joshua is excited in general. About all things. Diaper change! Excitement! Dinner time! Excitement! Pj's on! Excitement! Life is just exciting to him. Gracie does not throw away her pleasure or excitement on just any old thing. You must earn it!
Gracie cries every time you tuck her in bed and shut the door. Joshua rarely does.
Joshua has a love affair with his paci. Gracie views the paci as a torture device (get that thing OUT of my mouth!).
Joshua wants to do all things physical like walk, crawl, stand, etc. Gracie is more timid about trying those new things.
Joshua LOVES to play peek a boo, even all by himself. Gracie would rather not (it messes her hair up, hee, hee!).
Gracie can wave hi, give five, and sign all done (at least I THINK she is signing all done). Joshua can give five, maybe sign more (not sure on that one), and will lean in with an open mouthed kiss when asked to "give me lovin'."
Joshua wears size 12 month everything (just about). Gracie is a more petite little lady wearing 3-6 month pants and 6 or 9 month shirts and dresses.
Gracie likes to get everything wet in the tub splashing around. Joshua would rather just chew on a toy and get the cleaning done.
Gracie would rather cheerios for breakfast. Joshua much prefers bananas.
No, they don't see eye to eye on much. But there are few things they agree on...
Gracie would rather sweetly play with one thing that is interesting. Joshua wants to bulldoze the house, smash everything into the floor, or whack it on something.
Joshua wants to EAT, all the time, all things! Gracie is a bit more particular about her tastes, though she will try many things. She just doesn't LOVE all things like Joshua does.
Joshua is excited in general. About all things. Diaper change! Excitement! Dinner time! Excitement! Pj's on! Excitement! Life is just exciting to him. Gracie does not throw away her pleasure or excitement on just any old thing. You must earn it!
Gracie cries every time you tuck her in bed and shut the door. Joshua rarely does.
Joshua has a love affair with his paci. Gracie views the paci as a torture device (get that thing OUT of my mouth!).
Joshua wants to do all things physical like walk, crawl, stand, etc. Gracie is more timid about trying those new things.
Joshua LOVES to play peek a boo, even all by himself. Gracie would rather not (it messes her hair up, hee, hee!).
Gracie can wave hi, give five, and sign all done (at least I THINK she is signing all done). Joshua can give five, maybe sign more (not sure on that one), and will lean in with an open mouthed kiss when asked to "give me lovin'."
Joshua wears size 12 month everything (just about). Gracie is a more petite little lady wearing 3-6 month pants and 6 or 9 month shirts and dresses.
Gracie likes to get everything wet in the tub splashing around. Joshua would rather just chew on a toy and get the cleaning done.
Gracie would rather cheerios for breakfast. Joshua much prefers bananas.
No, they don't see eye to eye on much. But there are few things they agree on...
A Wonderful Spri...oh, I Mean, Winter Day
Did you know it is the dead of winter in KY? Yes, according to the calendar it is January 6, 2012. That means it is the dead of winter.
Then why did I spend my day dusting mini blinds, washing curtains, sun drying them on the patio, and washing windows inside and out? Don't you do that stuff in the spring?
Well, it is easy to get confused when it is 55 degrees in the dead of winter!
We've all had a bit of cabin fever (already and winter is still so young!). So we took full advantage of the gorgeous day. After playing for an hour under the patio (Jacob's favorite place to play) and lunch, I packed up the gang for some fun! We took an impromptu walk and wouldn't you know it, we just HAPPENED to arrive at the park! FUN!
Then why did I spend my day dusting mini blinds, washing curtains, sun drying them on the patio, and washing windows inside and out? Don't you do that stuff in the spring?
Well, it is easy to get confused when it is 55 degrees in the dead of winter!
We've all had a bit of cabin fever (already and winter is still so young!). So we took full advantage of the gorgeous day. After playing for an hour under the patio (Jacob's favorite place to play) and lunch, I packed up the gang for some fun! We took an impromptu walk and wouldn't you know it, we just HAPPENED to arrive at the park! FUN!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Wild Thing!
Gracie's hair is growing and when it is wet and fresh out of the tub it can be, uh, just a bit wild...
She's ready for her close up!
First Bit of Winter
We've had a bit of a non-existent winter so far this year. It has been very mild (50 degrees on Christmas day!). I am not complaining! I'll take it!
Yesterday we had some flurries that blew around and made the roads nice and slick. It was barely a dusting and didn't amount to much, but boy, was Jacob EXCITED to see the white stuff fly! Today he asked if he could "play in it." Most of it had melted at this point, but he was able to scrape his little shovel around and load his dump truck 1/2 full with the white stuff.
Here he is enjoying what little bit remained...
I haven't had the opportunity to introduce Joshua and Grace to it yet. We'll have to wait for a more significant amount to make it really fun. Besides, it was pretty darn cold out there today. But Jacob sure did enjoy it!
Yesterday we had some flurries that blew around and made the roads nice and slick. It was barely a dusting and didn't amount to much, but boy, was Jacob EXCITED to see the white stuff fly! Today he asked if he could "play in it." Most of it had melted at this point, but he was able to scrape his little shovel around and load his dump truck 1/2 full with the white stuff.
Here he is enjoying what little bit remained...
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Gold at the End of the Rainbow
A friend of mine posted a link to this blog (The Blessing of Verity) on her facebook page one day about two months ago. It is a blog about adoption and Chris and I have had many (many, many, many) conversations about adoption since we were married. We have the heart for adoption and pray God would use us in the mission to rescue orphans (prayerfully, financially, and perhaps one day, personally). Anyhow, back to the blog. I started reading a post here and there and then I got sucked in. I went back to day one, first post, how it all began, and have been reading every....single....post, hanging on every...single....word. How I pray I could one day carry myself with such joy, hope, faith, and trust as the blog's author! I highly recommend reading this to anyone who has the heart for adoption (or honestly, even if you don't). I warn you though. You will be changed. You will want to DO something. You will not be able to sit by, idle, and think this is someone else's problem. Go back to the start and see how this family opened their lives with loving acceptance of their daughter, born with Down Syndrome, or back to the start of their rescue of Katerina, a sweet little one, also with Down Syndrome who, at the time of her rescue, weighed just 11 lbs. and is nine (yes NINE!) years old. You will want to know HOW (seriously, HOW?) this can happen. I still haven't read 100% of it. It has taken me close to a month and many (too many) nights staying up until midnight or later, reading. I already had the heart for adoption prior to reading this, but now my sense of urgency is increasing. It may not be the time now for our Burri Five to adopt ourselves, but we most certainly can dedicate ourselves to prayerfully asking the Lord to provide loving families for these fatherless children!
Have you ever heard of the ministry called Reece's Rainbow? You can visit the site here and view 100's of children awaiting adoptive families. Would you find a child on this page, print his or her photo out, and hang it on your refrigerator? Would you commit yourself to pray for this orphan daily to find a forever family throughout 2012? You will be amazed by the sweet faces you see and the hope these children so desperately need in a family. Pray these little ones will be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for a family who desperately needs them in it.
Have you ever heard of the ministry called Reece's Rainbow? You can visit the site here and view 100's of children awaiting adoptive families. Would you find a child on this page, print his or her photo out, and hang it on your refrigerator? Would you commit yourself to pray for this orphan daily to find a forever family throughout 2012? You will be amazed by the sweet faces you see and the hope these children so desperately need in a family. Pray these little ones will be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for a family who desperately needs them in it.
Happy New Year from the Burri 5!
I'm not one to make New Year's resolutions. Generally I fail or create a resolution that is basically impossible to achieve from the moment I try to start. Really, they aren't my thing. For some reason, this year I decided to do something different. I decided I would make a resolution and not just one; I've made three! What am I thinking? I've decided to share them here and perhaps you can help me be accountable to achieve this goal!
Today in church our pastor challenged us to make the following resolution: "In 2012 I resolve to daily speak as if God is good, the Gospel is true, and Jesus is at work in me and all around me." At first glance this seems like it shouldn't be too much of a stretch, but further thinking reveals this is much harder. This means I won't complain, grumble, fight against God, whine, whimper, and demand my own way. I won't complain about my husband, my children, my job, my income, my lot in life, or that I deserve better. This resolution is going to completely be a GOD thing. I cannot achieve this on my own strength. Chris and I got a taste of how hard this is going to be when both of us caught ourselves starting to complain in the car ride home from church. Complaining is such a part of our daily lives and it MUST GO! We want to praise God, not complain and say His way isn't the right way! We must PRAY to achieve this. Will we fail? You bet we will! Is it our hope we will acknowledge our failure, accept the failure as part of our sanctification process, and try, try, try again? YES! Please join us in this challenge. Realize that the gospel is TRUE and without the life of Christ, we deserve death and eternal damnation, but because of His sacrifice on the cross, we take each breath and have the assurance of eternal life. Nothing is worth our whining or complaining when you think about what we truly deserve....
Resolution #2
For those of you who actually read (and enjoy--maybe?) my blog, you will be happy to know this next resolution involves maintaining this blog. For Christmas Chris gave me a printed version of my blog from 2009-2011. It is bound in a hard cover book and I have so treasured having all these thoughts and memories in print! It also made me realize that I really DO miss keeping up my blog and I need to get back at it so I can remember the fun of raising a preschooler and infant twins! So, I resolve to try to blog at least twice per month (or more, if there is lots to tell). Blogs may be written memories, photo journals, or random thoughts. So, here is blog number 1 for 2012! One more to go for the month....
Resolution #3
I really enjoy working in the kitchen and trying new things (ask me about my most recent adventure with black beans and rice--DELICIOUS). My husband enjoys sampling my adventures in the kitchen. I decided I wanted to push myself a bit. I hope to try at least two new recipes a month. Recipes can be for anything--baking something new, a main dish, a new side dish, appetizer, beverage, dessert, canning, freezing, etc. I'd like it if I tried some things that are a bit out of my comfort zone (foods we don't usually use, techniques I'm not skilled in), but I'm not going to box myself in with that. So for now, I just hope it is something NEW, regardless of whether or not it is on my beaten path of culinary skills or tastes. If I come across something that seems extra yummy or well received by the fam, I'll post it here to share.
So that's that! What are your resolutions for the new year?
I'm not one to make New Year's resolutions. Generally I fail or create a resolution that is basically impossible to achieve from the moment I try to start. Really, they aren't my thing. For some reason, this year I decided to do something different. I decided I would make a resolution and not just one; I've made three! What am I thinking? I've decided to share them here and perhaps you can help me be accountable to achieve this goal!
Today in church our pastor challenged us to make the following resolution: "In 2012 I resolve to daily speak as if God is good, the Gospel is true, and Jesus is at work in me and all around me." At first glance this seems like it shouldn't be too much of a stretch, but further thinking reveals this is much harder. This means I won't complain, grumble, fight against God, whine, whimper, and demand my own way. I won't complain about my husband, my children, my job, my income, my lot in life, or that I deserve better. This resolution is going to completely be a GOD thing. I cannot achieve this on my own strength. Chris and I got a taste of how hard this is going to be when both of us caught ourselves starting to complain in the car ride home from church. Complaining is such a part of our daily lives and it MUST GO! We want to praise God, not complain and say His way isn't the right way! We must PRAY to achieve this. Will we fail? You bet we will! Is it our hope we will acknowledge our failure, accept the failure as part of our sanctification process, and try, try, try again? YES! Please join us in this challenge. Realize that the gospel is TRUE and without the life of Christ, we deserve death and eternal damnation, but because of His sacrifice on the cross, we take each breath and have the assurance of eternal life. Nothing is worth our whining or complaining when you think about what we truly deserve....
Resolution #2
For those of you who actually read (and enjoy--maybe?) my blog, you will be happy to know this next resolution involves maintaining this blog. For Christmas Chris gave me a printed version of my blog from 2009-2011. It is bound in a hard cover book and I have so treasured having all these thoughts and memories in print! It also made me realize that I really DO miss keeping up my blog and I need to get back at it so I can remember the fun of raising a preschooler and infant twins! So, I resolve to try to blog at least twice per month (or more, if there is lots to tell). Blogs may be written memories, photo journals, or random thoughts. So, here is blog number 1 for 2012! One more to go for the month....
Resolution #3
I really enjoy working in the kitchen and trying new things (ask me about my most recent adventure with black beans and rice--DELICIOUS). My husband enjoys sampling my adventures in the kitchen. I decided I wanted to push myself a bit. I hope to try at least two new recipes a month. Recipes can be for anything--baking something new, a main dish, a new side dish, appetizer, beverage, dessert, canning, freezing, etc. I'd like it if I tried some things that are a bit out of my comfort zone (foods we don't usually use, techniques I'm not skilled in), but I'm not going to box myself in with that. So for now, I just hope it is something NEW, regardless of whether or not it is on my beaten path of culinary skills or tastes. If I come across something that seems extra yummy or well received by the fam, I'll post it here to share.
So that's that! What are your resolutions for the new year?
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