School is out for summer! What a year it has been! We have loved every minute of Jacob's time at Trinity Christian Academy in the 3 day Pre-K class. His teachers have been a wonderful blessing to us and he has further grown in his deep love of learning. Friendships grew, memories were made, and time flew by! We cannot believe we were just here:
First day of Pre-K, August 17, 2012
A little unsure of what to expect, but excited to be "big" and starting school!
Now look where we are!!
Excited about last day festivities, not limited to, but including a lunch date with Mommy at Cracker Barrel after school!
He has grown so much this year!
The night before his last day of school, we were also treated to a wonderful Spring Program at his school including music, hymns, an impromptu review of the attributes of God (during which Jacob was able to recall the word omniscient and say it clearly into the microphone), Bible recitation, and poetry recitation. We loved seeing all they have learned and how they have grown!

We have loved each and every minute of our experience at Trinity. God graciously opened doors for us to be able to send him to the half-day kindergarten program at Trinity again next year. He will attend in the mornings, five days a week. We are really excited to see what the year has in store for us. We have no idea how long God will allow for us to remain at Trinity or in "typical" school settings (we are prayerfully considering the possibility of homeschooling him). We are just excited to prayerfully consider each year and see where God leads us. We are so glad He led us to Trinity for Jacob's first experience with school!
Thank you, Trinity Christian Academy! Jacob LOVES school!
That being is summertime! And we are EXCITED about summer break! Yippee!