Using the Y has been great for me. They offer childcare in their Kids Corner program for up to two hours per day per child. This has been so wonderful for a mommy of three non-swimmers! We don't have to wait for Daddy to be home from work or go only on weekends. We can enjoy the pool any time we want. I just leave one child in Kids Corner and take two with me to swim. We rotate who gets to go swim and who stays in Kids Corner. If Daddy comes, we can all swim at the same time, which is great fun! The kids are eating it up!
Joshua and Jacob on our first trip with just Mommy to the outdoor pool. Cheese!
I really expected Joshua to be more hesitant about the water, but he took to it right away and I was thrilled!
Look at that little fish!
Jacob has been so independent with his float on this summer. He's taking swimming lessons at the YMCA right now and will continue to take them until the end of July. He is definitely growing in his confidence!
Love this bug eyed guy!
We bought floats for Joshua and Grace a couple weeks ago that are like Jacob's. Grace could not wait to model hers. What a pose!
Do they look a little excited to you? Waiting for Daddy to come home from work for family swim night! Yes, they are sitting in the garage, ready to pounce the instant he pulls in.
Joshua was rockin' his new float in the indoor heated pool!
Jacob could float all night long!
This is the best shot I could get of Grace! She loved to jump in over and over and over and over! We'd count, "1, 2, 3, JUMP!" and when we got to three she'd get this serious face and yell, "Make a BIG spwash (splash)!" She doesn't even care if her head goes under. She just bobs back up and screams, "do again!"
We're having fun making memories this summer!