Monday, December 28, 2009
More Burris Family Christmas
Burris Christmas in KY
Jacob looking to see what else is hiding inside his socking. The sock was as big as he is!
P.S. I am sorry my pictures all seem a bit out of order. My mom's computer won't let me organize them like my computer at home, so rather than fight with it, I gave up and just left them out of order. :-)
Merry Christmas from Snowy Upstate NY!
Jacob was a trooper in the car, but sleeping in the car does not seem to be his forte. He struggles to find a comfortable spot and then cries because he is sooooooo tired! Thank you Gould Family for the use of your portable DVD player...we got to break in our new Veggie Tales video on day two! Not sure how on earth we will make it straight through on our return trip on Wednesday. I'm trying not to think about it. Ha, ha!
We've had a great time since we arrived. We've had a relaxing Christmas afternoon at the Ruth Household in Ithaca and from there headed on to Mom and Dad's in Greene. We had the big Ruth Family Christmas on Saturday with my brother, one of my sisters, their families, and my parents. Only one sibling was missing and we sure missed her and her gang! It was great fun to see the excitement of my nephews throughout all the festivities. And of course, we had the "traditional Christmas/Thanksgiving" meal and it was fabulous. Oh, how I've missed those traditional meals!
Jacob was so pleased with all of his gifts. The "nain" (train) from Grandma and Grandpa Ruth has been the biggest hit. He even did a little dance while he waited for Grandpa to get it out of the box! Hilarious!
Chris and my Dad have been keeping themselves busy...shooting yesterday and out pheasant hunting today. I am hoping to squeeze in a date night tonight to go see The Blind Side while we've got eager babysitters willing to keep the kiddo for us! Perhaps the date night will include a stop at Friendly's....only the best ice cream joint in all NY state. My mouth salivates in KY when I think of how much I miss Friendly's ice cream!
Well, I'd better stop blogging for now and go hang out with Mom while munchkin takes his nap. Here are just a few shots of the fun we've had so far....
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I'm NOT Dreaming of a White Christmas!
We are heading north this year. Are we nuts, you ask? Perhaps just a wee bit...if you consider climbing into a box on wheels stuffed to the roof with suitcases, gifts, and sweet treats with an almost 2 year old in the backseat, then propelling your box on wheels down the highway toward the Arctic north where it might snow, sleet, freezing rain, slush, or snain, and remain strapped in said box on wheels for approximately 12 hours with aforementioned toddler riding in the backseat...if you consider that nuts, then yes, we are nuts. In all seriousness, I will admit I dread the drive, but I do very much look forward to the time in NY with my family. We'll have all but one sibling and her family together this year and won't it be a grand time had by all? This is my first actual Christmas day at home in NY in something like 7 or 8 years! It is hard to believe!
The big departure is looming, so please pray for us to have safe travels and little to no nasty wintry precipitation falling from the sky. I swear I did not move south enough and I most certainly have failed in convincing my family members that they ought to move south, too!
White Christmas? I could do without, especially when our travels put us on the road for a good 6 hours on Christmas Day!
We hope all of you have a wonderfully blessed Christmas wherever you may choose to spend it this year. Jesus is born so shout it from the roof tops! Our Savior has come! Rejoice!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Recent Jacob-isms
- Stuck = GucK
- Off = Hofffffff
- Help = ElP
- Sockie = Gockie (not to be confused with Guckie)
- Bike = IKe
- Jesus = Bible
- God = Bible
- Rock = Gock
- Mop = MauP
- Jump = Bot!
- Ready, Set, Go = Gee, ga, GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
- Jelly = Eyellie
- Trash = Elash
- Monkey = Meonmie
- Yummy = Nyummy!
I know there were more and I can't think of them. He is learning a new word daily it seems!
We are excited to celebrate Christmas this weekend with the Burris Family! We will post pictures from our festivities!
Love and miss everyone!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
1st Annual Christmas Lights Drive
We started off at a local fire station. They've got quite the show. You pull up, turn your radio to a specific station and watch the show! The lights are choreographed to the music and blink and move to the music! It was so neat! After that we drove around some neighborhoods and saw some other great displays of lights. We also got temporarily lost (thank you, Auntie Fred for encouraging this). It was about a 30 minute diversion, but we did see a few lights on our journey. We capped it all off with a drive through a local church that was having a "Drive Through Bethlehem." What a great evening and we look forward to doing this for years to come!
Who Needs Toys Anyhow?
Here is some of our fun.
Follow Up Birthday Blog
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me!
I had a fabulous several days worth of celebrating my big day. On Wednesday the girls at work decked out my office with balloons, signs, and curly ribbon. They even got me my very own KING SIZE Snickers bar (I think it is a conspiracy to make me get fat). They also gave me a sweet card with many wonderful messages in it. My sister got in on the action at work, too, and dropped off more balloons and a cake for me to share. Lucky for me, it was a horrible rainy day, so dear big sister was not able to successfully wrap my car in gift wrap. Bummer. Following the cake and fun, I was presented with a gorgeous delivery of flowers from my sweet husband! What a special surprise!
Friday was my "actual" birthday. Chris is working a flex schedule at work and gets every other Friday off now and this happened to be his week off. I was granted permission early in the day to go run some Christmas shopping errands child free. You have no idea how nice it is to run so many errands without having to fuss with the car seat, carts, or strollers! I felt so free and was able to accomplish much. Then Friday night Chris took me out to eat at a local Mexican restaurant. When I walked in, the Gould Family was already there waiting for us to surprise me. What fun it was to enjoy a meal with sweet friends and fellowship with them at home over cake and ice cream. Thank you Gould Family! Also on Friday Chris presented me with my "gift." The gift was a note telling me we had tickets to a play on Saturday night, babysitting was lined up, and I got to go out to eat dinner...AGAIN! Woo hoo! So Saturday Jennifer came to keep Jacob for us (and he was not good, so I owe her double!) and we went out to eat. I even got dessert! The play was great and I enjoyed a lovely evening out with my husband. During the day on Saturday my father in law also came by to watch the UK basketball game with Chris, which allowed me some fantastic uninterrupted time to wrap MANY of my Christmas gifts and get them under the tree. I actually ran out of gift boxes, so I had to stop (well, I also have some of Jacob's really oddly shaped toys that I am putting off wrapping...those things can be such buggers to wrap!).
All in all, the first few days of my 31st year have gone well. I am so blessed and thankful for the friends and family I have in my life. Thank you to each and every one of you for making it such a special day! Pictures to come in a later post....
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Home Renovations
The process began with a small bit of demo; removing the old, ugly hood that was once above the stove. That project revealed the hood had been hard wired and no outlet existed. Trip #2 to Home Depot included purchases of a kit to install an outlet. This was Chris' first experience in this house with cutting holes in walls and playing with electricity. He did great and got everything on the first try!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thanksgiving Weekend
After the shopping excursion, Chris got down the Christmas boxes and I spent the morning and afternoon decking our halls.
As I type, Chris is tackling major home projects with the installation of the new microwave. Can't wait!
Here are some photos of our post Thanksgiving Friday together. What a great time just spending time with family. We are so blessed...
Merry Christmas and remember, JESUS is the reason we celebrate the season!
Thank you, God, for your graciousness to me. Thank you beyond words.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Some of Jacob's current favorite bath toys include cups (he has discovered he can dump water back and forth in them), a Cookie Monster toy, and an Elmo toy. Jacob is a big fan of Elmo--really any of the friends from Sesame Street will do. If any of them have the same type of eyes as Elmo, he calls them Elmo, so Cookie Monster is Elmo, etc. Well, I should say, he calls them "Melmo."
Usually when Mommy does the bath, he gets clean, plays, hands over the toys, brushes teeth, and gets out. Daddy does much the same, however, Daddy lets the water out of the tub before removing the toys. Last night, Chris started letting the water out. When most of the water was gone and Jacob had told it bye-bye, he then turned in the tub and saw his Elmo toy getting washed closer and closer to the drain and he started to exclaim, "Melmo! Melmo!" Poor dear, he thought Elmo was going to get washed down the drain!
Oh to understand all those processes going on his brain! Needless to say, Melmo was saved and placed snugly back in the basket of toys for future use. Daddy is Jacob's hero!
The Battle of the B
Jacob is now totally "B-less" during the day at home, including family worship time. The B resides solely in the bed and does not come out during the day. When we go in to get Jacob out of bed in the morning, he is usually standing up, holding his B. As soon as he sees us though, he will greet us and throw the B down, knowing he can't come out of the bed if he has it.
Jacob is "B-less" in the car and at Miss Donna's house. These seemed to be the easier transitions for him.
The "B" is no longer the boo-boo fixer and Mommy and Daddy will generally suffice, unless the boo-boo is significant.
Jacob has attempted to go B-less at church for the last four weeks and has had three weeks of not using it. I will not call them successful weeks, however, because I think he spent much of the time at church crying, asking for the B, asking for me, or refusing to be put down by the caregiver. Church is slow progress, but we are making progress, just the same. We have not had to try at BFG recently, so there has been no progress there.
Now for the big news....this Sunday, I had Jacob take the road rag out of his diaper bag, give it to me, and say, "bye-bye B!" The road rag has been tucked away on a shelf and no longer comes as the safety net or back up in the diaper bag. I thought if he knew it wasn't in his bag, perhaps he would do better about it at church. I have yet to prove whether or not this theory really works. The removal of the road rag was greeted with a few tears and some whining, but he did finally obey and hand it over to Mommy.
Bless his soul, it rips my heart out to see him so sad and to take something away from him that he loves and adores so much. I hate for him to be without me and his B--both things that I know will cure the lonesomes pretty rapidly. But, I know what we are doing is right and good for him. I know he is growing because of it. It is bittersweet to say bye-bye to the B, but ever so surely, we move one day closer to Mommy taking that sweet, snugly blue and while blankie and tucking it away in a keepsake box.
Our boy continues to grow up........
20 Months
At twenty months, Jacob is a bright, happy toddler boy and loves all things b-o-y! He is obsessed with backhoes, lawn mowers, and weed eaters. He loves to "read" books. He is becoming a good eater and will tackle just about whatever we present to him--current favorites include pomegranate and pears. New words arrive almost daily. Some of his current word obsessions:
- Gee, ga, GO = Ready, Set, GO!
- No
- Hi
- Gee Goo = Thank You
- Hoe = Backhoe
- Bop = Bob the Builder or Bob the Tomato
- Didl, didl, didl = Cookie
- Ninl, ninl, ninl = Again, or yes, what you are saying is correct!
- Schoosh = Truck
- Mull = Milk
- Ma Mow = Lawn Mower
- Wee Wee = Weed Eater
He waits at the window eagerly awaiting his Maw Maw Burris to arrive on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and truly believes his Maw Maw Ruth resides in the computer on the web cam. He can remember places he has been and points out the place we go to feed "guckies" and will tell me Maw Maw takes him to the library for story time. He still hates to go to church, but loves to participate in Family Worship at home. The current favorite praise song is "I've Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy down in my heart. Where?! Down in my heart...." He loves any song with a catchy tune and especially those with hand motions! Jacob is an outstanding hug giver and has even begun to "pat" me on the back when giving hugs. Kisses are generally abundant as well and he has even begun offering unsolicited hugs and kisses, which, in my opinion, are the best kind.
Jacob is our pride and joy. Twenty months ago we brought a tiny little bundle into this world and somehow, that little "blob" of joy, has turned into a vivacious, energetic, happy boy filled to the brim with personality. We love him, oh so much!
Dear Jacob,
Today you are 20 months old. Mommy and Daddy don't have the words to tell you how much we love and adore you. You make our hearts sing and our mouths rejoice in praise to God for the gift He gave us in you.
You are a good boy and you are so precious to us! We love you!
Mommy and Daddy
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Two Date Nights!
First, Thursday night, we were blessed by some friends of ours at church, who sweetly gave us two tickets to the UK Basketball game. It was a great time. The last time I went to a UK game, I was miserable. We sat literally one row from the tip top of the arena and I felt as though I needed to hang on for dear life. It was crowded and well, just not all that enjoyable. That was about five years ago. This time, was a totally different experience and well worth the five year wait! We were given lower arena tickets and sat so close to the floor I almost felt like I was in the game! We were near the student section, so we got to enjoy their excitement and passion for the game. We got to sit in squishy seats with backs. Ahhh, yes, it was well worth the wait. Thank you, sweet friends, for the gift of the tickets!
Jacob got to stay home on Thursday and enjoy some much anticipated Auntie Fred time! I told him early in the day that Auntie Fred was coming over to play and read stories. Every time I said Auntie Fred, he would look at me and say, "Doe?" I used to think "Doe" was for Joe. Now I think "Doe" is representative of the entire Sisson Family. Today he was pointing at pictures of Andrew, Joe, and Jennifer and saying "Doe" to all of them. Anyhow, I think they had a nice evening together. Thank you for coming out to play on a "school night" Auntie Fred and blessing us with the opportunity to go out. You are the best!
Friday night was a Parents Night Out event at church. If we had been good and signed up, the church would have provided us babysitting while we went out. However, we failed to sign up. Some of our friends did sign up though, and asked us to go out with them. So we rounded up our own babysitter and joined them. We went out to eat at P.F. Changs with two couples from our church. I can't remember the last time we have gone out with other couples without our children. It was so fun to fellowship together over a delicious meal none of us had to prepare and none of us had to cut up into a million pieces for a little one to eat!
Friday night, Jacob stayed in with Aunt Jenn-Jenn, who now lives just a hop, skip, and a jump away from us in a neighboring subdivision (yay!). Jacob was so happy to see his Aunt Jenn-Jenn and they had fun reading books and playing in the bath tub. I also told Jacob his Aunt Jenn-Jenn was coming and he asked "buppy?" (puppy). I am sure he was a bit disappointed that "buppy" didn't come, but I am sure Max the Cat was pleased we opted not to invite "buppy" over. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Jenn, for watching Jacob while we had a grown up evening out! We are so thankful for you!
God has truly blessed us with the gift of our friends and family. During this season of Thanksgiving, be sure to tell those special people in your life just how much they mean to you!
We went to Joseph-Beth today as a family outing. Jacob seemed more interested in the machines that the "guckie" food comes out of, rather than feeding the "guckies," but we'll try again. I have pictures to share of the outing, but no patience to load them tonight, so they will have to wait for a future post.
Jacob has been to Joseph-Beth a total of three times to feed the "guckies" in the last two weeks. After his first trip, whenever I would drive past the store (which was often, since it is basically on our way to everything in town), he would loudly proclaim, "GUCKIES! DADDY!" How does he know these things? I think he has a super duper internal GPS. Yes, Jacob, you went to Joseph-Beth to feed the "guckies" with Daddy. You are right!
Life is so fun through the eyes of a toddler!
Keep Christ in Christmas
Anyhow, let me get back to the point of this blog. I received an e-mail forward today that seemed like something worthy of being passed on. Please understand that I hate forwards. I usually do not read them, but for some reason, I read this one and decided it was worthy of being shared.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Daddy, Can I Help You?
Thanks to Chris, who was assisted (if you can call it that) by Jacob, our new element is installed and working wonderfully. Ahhhhh, such bliss to be able to cook again!
To celebrate I baked a big batch of oatmeal raisin cookies. Mmmm.....
Pajama Party
Aside from doing all that Christmas shopping I mentioned in a previous post, we also had time for a Pajama Party. We both got into our pj's at about 6:30, popped some popcorn (Jacob's first experience with it), and put on a Veggie Tales. Jacob wasn't a huge fan of the popcorn (which probably isn't a bad thing, given his digestive issues of late), but we were both big fans of Moe and the Big Exit (about Moses and the exile). Jacob snuggled and when all was done, said, "ninl, ninl, ninl?!" (not to be confused with didl, didl, didl) which means again, again, again!
Yes, sweet baby boy, we'll do this one again...
Christmas Craze
I have been sucked in this week by the Christmas Craze. What is the Christmas Craze? It is the deep, burning desire (and personal commitment) to complete 100% of my Christmas shopping prior to Thanksgiving. It is the marathon of all marathons, the Iron Man of Holiday Shopping, the Olympics of Christmas...well, you get the point. It is a feat that I have attempted many times and achieved only a handful of times (and I honestly think the times I did achieve it were pre-marriage and pre-motherhood).
I've been putting a dent in it, but there is still so much more to do! Jacob has been along for the ride, too!
While I have quite honestly been sucked into this Christmas Craze and have been on fire with my Christmas shopping (and spending) this week, I am reminded what Christmas is truly about and what I want my child to understand Christmas to be.
Christmas isn't shopping, gifts, Santa, lights, trees, decorations, etc. While those things are nice and magical and add a special spirit to the season, they are not the whole picture. What I want most of all this year is for our little boy to begin to learn and understand that Christmas is about the birth of Christ and without Him, we would be lost eternally.
Christmas is about one bright star, one young girl, a betrothed man who understood the meaning of commitment, and one small child; God in the form of man. It is about the miracle of life. The life of Christ and the gift of eternal life we are granted through His death on the cross. Christmas is magical. Let's keep it magical for all the right reasons this year.
So while you might be like me and have all your shopping done or you're the polar opposite and put it off till the last minute, please remember this season to step back from it all and enjoy Christmas for all the right reasons. Don't let Christ get lost in the shuffle.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Recently, we have been working on his table manners. He now eats at the table (in his high chair, but with the tray removed and pulled up to the regular table). That has been a trick by itself. Jacob got very used to putting his feet up on the tray of his high chair and quiet honestly, that never bothered us. Putting his feet up on the kitchen table, however, is another story. We've had many meals where the exchanges go something like this:
- Kate: "How was your day today, Chris? Put your feet down, Jacob."
- Chris: "It was a pretty busy day, we.... Put your feet down, Jacob. We had a bunch of orders come in all at once right at the end of the day."
- Kate: "Put your feet down, Jacob. Well, did you... Put your feet down, Jacob. Did you get it all... Put your feet down, Jacob! Did you get it all done in time or do you... Jacob, put your feet down! Do you have more to do tomorrow?"
- Chris: "Yeah... Jacob, put your feet down. Yeah, we... JACOB! Put your FEET down! We got it... PUT YOUR FEET DOWN! We got it all done. How was your day?"
Yes, sometimes general conversation is difficult to manage. Amazingly, I think he is figuring out he cannot put his feet on the table, kick the table, or make any contact with the table with his feet in general. It only took a gazillion times of repeating it.
Last night, Jacob was really whiny before bed and wanted his "mul" (milk) so Chris went to get it for him. While Chris was out of the room, I told Jacob to tell Daddy thank you for getting his milk. I said, "Jacob, say thhhhhhaaaaannnnnnkkkkkkk yyyyyyyoooooooouuuuuuuu." And would you believe that whiny little boy looked me in the face and said, "Dan doe." Are you serious? I couldn't get him to repeat it, but now I know there is yet more in his arsenal of manners.
We just might make him civilized yet....
Monday, November 9, 2009
Quitter Oven
Sometimes being a grown up isn't all that fun.
Chris is going to fix it himself, but has to order a part. The question is, how long will all of this take and how long can we last doing our primary cooking on the stove top, microwave, or toaster oven?
Hmmmm...I see take out in our future! At lest one good thing can come from all this!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Cousin Coincidence
Mmmm...Fun with Cake!

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Happy Birthday Big Sister!
We have had a fun time helping her celebrate the day! We started the morning off by doing a sneak attack to trash her car with black balloons! Now we are preparing a delicious meal for dinner tonight since the birthday girl and Andrew will be joining us (Joe is out of town for work today!!). And to top it all off, we shall have a scrumptious birthday cake, complete with black candles!
I'll try to remember to post pictures tomorrow!
Happy, happy birthday, sweet big sister! I love you!
And the Answer Is....
- Bop=Bob the Builder
- Hoe=Backhoe
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I'm going to give all you faithful followers a chance to figure this one out for yourselves. What on earth could "Bop!" and "Hoe?" be? Post your guesses as comments to this post and I'll let you know if we get any lucky winners.
Oh, and just so you know, this is serious competition for the ma-mow. This morning my greeting consisted of, "Hi Mommy! Bop! Bop! Bop! Didl didl didl!"
Can't wait to see all your guesses.........