Jacob was a trooper in the car, but sleeping in the car does not seem to be his forte. He struggles to find a comfortable spot and then cries because he is sooooooo tired! Thank you Gould Family for the use of your portable DVD player...we got to break in our new Veggie Tales video on day two! Not sure how on earth we will make it straight through on our return trip on Wednesday. I'm trying not to think about it. Ha, ha!
We've had a great time since we arrived. We've had a relaxing Christmas afternoon at the Ruth Household in Ithaca and from there headed on to Mom and Dad's in Greene. We had the big Ruth Family Christmas on Saturday with my brother, one of my sisters, their families, and my parents. Only one sibling was missing and we sure missed her and her gang! It was great fun to see the excitement of my nephews throughout all the festivities. And of course, we had the "traditional Christmas/Thanksgiving" meal and it was fabulous. Oh, how I've missed those traditional meals!
Jacob was so pleased with all of his gifts. The "nain" (train) from Grandma and Grandpa Ruth has been the biggest hit. He even did a little dance while he waited for Grandpa to get it out of the box! Hilarious!
Chris and my Dad have been keeping themselves busy...shooting yesterday and out pheasant hunting today. I am hoping to squeeze in a date night tonight to go see The Blind Side while we've got eager babysitters willing to keep the kiddo for us! Perhaps the date night will include a stop at Friendly's....only the best ice cream joint in all NY state. My mouth salivates in KY when I think of how much I miss Friendly's ice cream!
Well, I'd better stop blogging for now and go hang out with Mom while munchkin takes his nap. Here are just a few shots of the fun we've had so far....
Jacob reading in the car on day two. Such a trooper!
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