Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Living out the gospel among friends...

We have some friends who are in the process of moving to a new home and this has made me stop and think; what on earth would we do without our friends? Our friendships are such a wonderful, fertile place to grow as Christians and learn to more confidently share Christ and embody His love. Chris is on his way to help our friends move the final round of larger items (and get fed a delicious dinner that they should not go to the trouble to fix on moving day!) and I plan to take dinner to them tomorrow. Nothing spectacular and nothing special, but something that I know, from experience, is so meaningful! It isn't anything they wouldn't do for us and it is an opportunity to live out the gospel to those we care a great deal about!

Our Pastor challenged us this week by asking how we are using our gifts, blessings, time, etc. to live out the gospel to everyone around us. How are we using what God gave us to share His love with others? It was a challenge I needed to hear because I can be so incredibly selfish with my resources and talents. I am so thankful our friends are moving so that Chris, Jacob, and I might have this opportunity to share our gifts, talents, and resources with them!

Praise God for friends and praise God for opportunities to learn how to live out the gospel...even in the simple day to day things!

1 comment:

  1. As the recipient of your generosity, I can only say Thank You. We are so grateful that you shared with us!
