In late July, right after we found out we were expecting twins, we took a day trip to Louisville to go to the zoo with another family (you've heard me mention my dear friend, Donna, and her family before). They have a three year old daughter and she and Jacob are big buddies. They had so much fun checking out all the animals together!
Jacob and Daddy sitting on a turtle display at the zoo.
"Look, Daddy! I see an elephant!!"
Enjoying a chance to cool off in the zoo's super fun splash zone!
On probably one of the hottest days in August, we took another day trip out to Cave Run Lake. They have a "sandy" beach and a great swimming area on the lake there. Jacob had so much fun digging in the sand and swimming in the lake! He actually sobbed when it was time for us to go home, but then immediately passed out in his car seat before we were even out of the parking lot! We wore him out!Digging in the sand. This was dump truck heaven! Jacob didn't care it was close to 100 degrees that day!
Enjoying a splash in the lake with Mommy.
Ta-da! I'm swimming in the lake like a big boy!
This was a highlight of Jacob's time at the lake. "Do it again, Daddy! Do it again!"
At the end of August we took Jacob to his first ever Circus! He was captivated by all the animals, most especially the tigers and elephants. He did get a little antsy at times, but overall, he had fun, we had fun, and it was a nice family outing.Captivated by the circus and sitting in a big boy seat at Rupp Arena for the first time!
This is one satisfied circus-goer on the ride home in the car! "The circus (or marcus as Jacob calls it) was soooo COOL!"
This year Jacob began the Puggles class in our AWANA program at church (if you aren't familiar with AWANA, you can check out more info here: I am a teacher in the Puggles class and it has been fun to have Jacob in my class and see him interact with the other kids. I love watching little two year olds tucking precious gems about God's word into their hearts at such a young, impressionable age. Jacob has already mastered our first precept (they will learn about five through the whole year) and can boisterously shout, "God....made....EVERYTHING!!!!" He looks so grown up in his sweet little Puggles uniform. I will have to get a picture of the two of us in our uniforms one of these weeks (before I outgrow mine).My big boy Puggle. How did he get this big? Sniff.
On the grown up front, Chris and I have enjoyed this summer so much with Jacob. The other night Chris just looked at me and said, "You know, Jacob is just such a sweet boy and a joy to be around." He is right! We have so much fun spending family time together. Aside from enjoying Jacob, we've been busily preparing for the coming bundles of joy. Our guest room is a disaster area as we clean out to make space for that room to become Jacob's big boy room. Jacob's current room will become "nursery central." It is going to be a tight fit, but we can make our sweet family of five quite cozy in our little house. I've had two successful trips to consignment sales and bought the second high chair we need for the twins and the second Boppy pillow I wanted. I've got my eye on a double stroller at Target...watching it for a sale. Yesterday, we picked up our new to us Honda Odyssey minivan! I LOVE it. Chris did all the shopping, test drove it, and made the deal. I didn't see it for the first time till we drove out to pay for it and pick it up yesterday. I got to drive it part of the way home and really, really enjoyed it. It is going to be a great family vehicle and I can already see God's hand steadily providing for us exactly what we need, when we need it. Next week we will close on the refinancing of our house. Rates are just too good not to take advantage of them and the monthly savings is needed for our ever expanding family! All summer long I have just been blessed beyond measure. God is so good......even to a sinner like me.
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