You just turned one! Happy Birthday, my sweet, vivacious second son! I have been doing much reflecting over all this past year brought and I am so thankful God brought you and your sweet sister into our lives on the very same day! Having two of you all at once has taught me so much about how selfish and self-dependent I have been in my life. God has taught me much over this past year of your life about how to trust Him more...and how to trust the people He gives to serve and help our family more! I have learned so much about servanthood, humbleness, much and such a richer spiritual understanding of the Lord....all from one tiny package (well, two tiny packages). I am blessed to be your mommy.
Joshua, your name means God Rescues. I pray that in your life to come you will come to see and understand that God sent Jesus into this world as your great rescuer. I pray that once you know and understand this truth in your own life that you will tell the world (and I have no doubt you will) all about this wonderful truth!
You are my charmer, my bubbly, happy, inquisitive boy. I love your affectionate side when you seek me out to give me a sweet, head on my shoulder snuggle and hug. I love your curiosity and boldness! I love your charisma. You, sweet boy, have been given a gift to draw others to you through your undeniably magnetic personality. I pray daily you will harness this gift and use it to draw others to Christ.
I love you sweet baby boy. Happy first birthday!
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