Happy 4th Birthday, Buddy! Mommy and Daddy can hardly believe you are four years old already! It seems like just yesterday we held you for the very first time at the hospital. We had no idea then what kind of little boy you would be, but God has certainly blessed us with such a tender-hearted, compassionate, loving, obedient, curious little man. We are thrilled at the ways we can see God working in and through you recently...you desire to obey, you seek ways to show initiative and help around the house, you give spontaneous hugs and "I love you's" to all those who are important to you. We can see He is moving in your heart and it makes our hearts sing!
This year you were so excited for your birthday! We counted the days together, talked about what surprises there might be, and planned birthday meals (you picked doughnuts for breakfast, peanut butter marshmallow sandwich for lunch, and McDonald's for dinner).
Jacob, you bring so much joy into our lives daily. I don't know where our family would be without you. You are a blessing, a wonderful son, and an awesome big brother. Thank you for being the leader you desire to become and for so intently LOVING your family! Nothing compares to your squeals of laughter, excitement in small things, joy in learning, love of reading, and passion for construction equipment!
We love you, sweet Jacob Allen. You are a priceless treasure; a gift. We pray you have many wonderful birthdays yet to come.
Mommy and Daddy
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