Friday, November 14, 2014


Last night Chris and I signed our LOA for Hannah, officially accepting her as our future adopted child.  If I look tired in the photos below it is because I truly was exhausted.  There was much emotion for me yesterday.

I was an emotional disaster and I'm still easily brought to tears, but it is all good.  Wonderful, drive you to your knees in praise, good.  God has it.  And I can relax.  And it is so good to trust that.  I believe God's word is true and I also believe with all my heart that where He calls, He equips.  So with all my might, I take the leap, and I say YES.  (Deep breath in.)  YES, Hannah, you are worth it. (Deep bending knees.)  YES, God, I trust you.  (Closing eyes.) YES, I believe I have been specifically called to mother this specific little girl.  (No looking back.) YES, I know that God works all things together for our good. (Big giant leap.)  YES!  YES!  YES!  Hannah, you are ours, we accept our adoptee!  We're coming for you girlie! 

 Signing the LOA.  YES!  We accept the adoptee!

My turn to sign!  They don't leave a lot of room for a full "passport" name on these documents!  It is a beautiful document with both Chinese characters and English on it and a red official seal.

Lookin' a little overwhelmed and tired, but all in a good way!  Major milestone.  Yes, Hannah!  We want and accept and choose YOU little girl!  We are coming!

And it's off!  This little piece of paper is well traveled!  All the way from Beijing, China last week, to arrive in Birmingham, Alabama on Tuesday.  Arrived in Kentucky on Thursday and went out again on Friday, headed back to Birmingham--should arrive Monday!  Next stop, USCIS headquarters where we seek immigration approval for Hannah!

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