Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Redemption {Three Months Home}

Broken and confused she came to us.  Eyes empty and wide, confused and full of sadness and abandonment.  She didn't understand what was happening.  There was not a hint of a smile.  Just grief.  And darkness.  And emptiness.

Three months ago on February 5th, a plane from Shanghai, China, touched down in Detroit, Michigan.  Travel weary and overwhelmed, she became an American citizen.  She began her journey--the work of being redeemed.


Slowly, the Redeemer began His work in her.  Touching her heart.  Healing her wounds.  Teaching her safety.  Showing her the love of home, family, and belonging.  Slowly, she began to show us glimpses--brief snippets--of who He was shaping her into.

We began to see the light.  It started a slow rise....from her lips, up into her eyes.  His light.  It began to burn bright.  His joy.  It started to radiate outward.  She fought hard.  Trying to keep the light at bay, sometimes preferring the darkness over the light.

He was patient.  So very patient and gentle.  He understood her pain.  He let her fight and yet continued to love her.  Bit by bit the light took over the darkness.  We began to see more light than we did darkness.

Three months at home and now the light shines bright.  The darkness?  It still comes.  The sadness in her eyes?  It still returns.  She has these moments when her eyes burn deep into yours and you can hear the questions they ask, "Do you love me?  Forever and always?  Even when I'm ugly and sin?  Will you still love me then?"  By the strength that only the Holy Spirit can breathe into us our eyes answer back.  "Yes.  Yes!  We love you!  We will love you forever and always!  Even when you sin and do ugly sinful things, we love you.  Yes, we will still love you then."  Our hearts tell that there is One who can offer her the always and forever kind of love that no one on this earth is able to give her.  There is One who can heal all her hurts, see past her sinful ways, and put together the pieces of her broken heart.  There is One who can place His joy inside her to shine for all to see.

Since her surgery a week ago, the light has dimmed.  Clouds of pain and trauma have rolled back in.  But we know the light is there.  We know it will return.  We know, the work of the Redeemer's hands cannot be clouded by pain and trauma forever.  It must burst out and shine for all the world to see, proclaiming His goodness, His power, His ability to overcome the deepest, darkest feelings of abandonment.

Three months home.  We have witnessed only what the Redeemer could accomplish.  We have seen the light come and break through the darkness.  We cannot wait to witness the next three months.  Redemption is a beautiful, beautiful thing.  We are so blessed to be included in the journey.

"For it is you who light my lamp;
the Lord my God lightens my
~Psalm 18:28~

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