Nine months since we stepped our toes off our flight from China back into the United States with Hannah strapped snuggly in her Ergo carrier. There is much to reflect on. So much has happened these past nine months. More than I ever deserved and God has heaped grace upon grace and mercy upon mercy on me.
We couldn't have gotten through these first nine months home without you....our village. You have blessed us in ways you simply will never fully understand (unless you walk the road of adoption one day yourself). We can never repay you and that is the beauty of it...our village doesn't want or expect repayment. They just simply give. With joy and abundant sacrifice. You just give and you keep on giving.
I will be totally honest. Life with four kids consumes me. I am not the friend to you that I once was. I don't return your phone calls. You get texts from me at odd hours. Sometimes I respond to e-mail, sometimes I mean to and don't, sometimes I never even actually read your e-mail because it gets overlooked and slips from my mind. I can't commit to much. Spur of the moment is impossible. Asking me to come something often means you are not only inviting me, but also my sweet little Asian sidekick, but you don't care. You invite me because you want to see me. You check on me and ask good questions. You brought me meals through post adoption adjustment and then again through two surgeries. You pray for my sanity--daily. When you ask how things are going you want more than just the "fine" that is so easy to give. You really want to know and you really listen. You care about speech therapy and how hard it is. You care about insurance and deductibles and medical bills. You ask about the big kids and invite them to come play, even though you know that invitation probably translates into babysitting for you because I most likely won't be able to stay. You still sit with me at church even though I have a distracting (and loud) toddler in my lap. You don't judge the behavior of my children and encourage me, rather than offering parenting tips or suggestions. You watch the big kids for appointment after appointment after appointment. You offer breaks and any creative ideas you might have to grant us respite.
You are genuine. You are the embodiment of Christ and for you, we will be forever thankful. You are His hands and feet to us and your compassion seems to never run dry. You teach us about how to love and love well. You teach us about how to serve and serve with joy and tremendous sacrifice. You are our village.
Nine months home, village. We wouldn't be here without His grace and your effectual prayers.
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