My sister and her family needed to come to Cincinnati, OH to say good-bye to their friend and they needed someone to help watch their boys while they were attending the funeral. While it was a sad occasion, it was a great reason to get the cousins together! Jacob, Jennifer, Andrew, and I were able to make the trip north to spend some quality time together. Unfortunately, my sisters got to capture the better cousin pictures and I don't have them saved to my computer, so I can't load them here. You'll just have to watch for my next round of Shutterfly photos to come!
To top things off, as I was getting ready to head out on Friday afternoon, I discovered Jacob looked like he was coming down with pink eye. Indeed, he did, but thankfully we had some drops left from the last time he had it that we could use. We did our best to protect the rest of the boys from getting it, but one of them did right after they got home from the trip. Bummer!
Here are just a few photos. We took the boys to the Cincinnati Children's Museum.
What is family for if you can't count on them to help you out in your time of need? We are so thankful we had the opportunity to help my sister out at this time. What a blessing this unexpected time was with them! Wish we could do it more often for happier reasons.
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