We took a trip to the new Children's Garden here at the UK Arboretum. Best $6 ever spent! The kids had a total blast and could easily have stayed longer! At first I kind of thought....not sure how they are going to like this or if the babies will even get to enjoy it, but we'll go. We were able to schedule a date to go with several of our friends from church and that made it even more fun! The garden was SO neat and 100% designed for children! There is a neat misting area where the kids can run and play while water mists and cools them off on a hot day, there is a giant dirt/mulch pile with child-sized garden tools and they can dig and dig and dig. There's a stream they can walk in and fill buckets with water so they can carry it back to their straw hut. There is a fishing pond complete with cane poles and "lures" so they can catch fish. There is a tall grass maze to walk through. There are giant hollow stumps of trees to climb on. Not to mention flowers, butterflies, bugs, birds and all those other wonderful parts of creation. The kids l-o-v-e-d it and to be honest, mommy did too! We will certainly be going back again soon!

Gracie Beth could not get enough of the dirt. This girl LOVES to dig!! (I see sand in our future.....)
Jacob loved the time to play with special friends!
Joshua loves to remind me of the wonder of God's creation. Simple things, like a breeze moving through plants, put him in awe. Here, he is clapping at flowers blowing in the breeze.
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