Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What's In My Inbox?

What is in my e-mail inbox today?  Oh, nothing too special or important....certainly not a completed home study for Chris and I to review with our final edits!  Oh yes, yes it is!  There is a home study sitting in my inbox, calling for me to read it, review it, and send it back!  But alas, it came while I'm in the thick of my data entry for Benchmark this month and it shall have to wait until at least this evening for my eyes to thoroughly feast upon it.  Once Chris and I review it, we'll get that magic word I mentioned a few posts ago: finalized.  Finalized is a BIG means it is ready to head to USCIS for immigration review and approval.  Perhaps (maybe, just perhaps) we can get that sent off prior to our 11 month mile marker of this process?  I won't get my hopes up, because in the past that just leaves me disappointed, but it gives me something to shoot for.

It is just a regular Wednesday.  The Wednesday my inbox chimed and I saw a completed home study.  Some day down the road it will be a regular Friday (or whatever) and my inbox will chime and I'll see my daughter for the first time.  What day that will be!  Something so basic, like getting an e-mail, can take a regular 'ole day and make it into something worth remembering.

Happy Wednesday!  I have fun e-mail in my inbox!

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