Thursday, February 6, 2014

We're Adopting!

I have literally been bursting at the seams with anticipation of writing this post!  I cannot wait to share with you all God is doing in our lives!

When Chris and I got married, we very early shared with one another a stirring in our hearts toward adoption.  Both of us were curious, intrigued, and drawn to the idea of growing our family in this way.  We talked about perhaps adopting first, before we tried to have our own biological children.  God had other plans in mind when He blessed us first with Jacob and later with Joshua and Grace.  Still, despite our ever growing family, we both still had a deep longing to consider adoption.  When we first got married, Chris and I were planted in a different church from the one we now call home.  God lead us on a difficult and confusing path early in our marriage to consider a different church home.  In 2005 we planted our feet firmly into the family of Ashland Avenue Baptist Church and we have been so deeply blessed for it.  Not only are we weekly graced with outstanding expositional preaching and a myriad of opportunities to plug in and serve the body, but God also wove together as a part of His plan for us, a church home deeply committed to developing a culture of adoption within the church body.  What a blessing it has been for Chris and I to watch families go before us, stepping out in faith, and rescuing an orphan from various parts of this world and nation.  We have been so encouraged by the testimonies of so many.

As we considered growing our family again we knew God was throwing wide the doors for us to pursue adopting a child from China.  It is with great joy I announce to you that we are ADOPTING!  There will be one less orphan in this world and one more Burris.  We cannot wait to see God continue to weave together this aspect of our family life and we long for the day we will see the first photo of our daughter, pray for her by name, and hold our child in our arms.  I plan to blog our journey as much as I can.  Will you follow along with us?  Will you pray with us and for us?  We look forward to rejoicing with all of you when we bring our child home; this child not born of my womb, but born deeply in my heart as a tiny seed that has grown and grown since Chris and I were married in 2004.  9+ years of waiting on His timing.  The time is now and it is so good to know we are right where He wants us to be!

We're expecting!  Praying for a little one from China, arriving in the next 12-24 months!

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