Thursday, April 16, 2015

Beautifully His

Do you know, silly, precious little girl, that you are BEAUTIFUL?  Just as God created you.  His beautiful craftsmanship is on display in and through you.

"For you formed my inward parts...."

Your eyes.  Your hair.  The color of your skin.  Your beautiful face.  Every inch of you.  Designed by Him.  A reflection of who He is and His love for you.

" knitted me together in my mother's womb..."

Your cleft?  All part of His plan for you.  Not a mistake.  Not a freak of nature.  Not a "less than desirable" birth defect.  Not something to simply "overcome."  Not a cultural sign of a curse or of being unlucky.  No.

"...I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made..."

Your cleft is what makes you who you are.  A distinct part of your deep beauty and such a part of the weaving of your story, the creation of your journey to us.  We adore it.  We are blessed by it.  And we have been blessed to teach many others not to be afraid of it.

"...Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well..."

We rejoice in the way God formed you.  Your inward and outward parts.  We praise God for the child you are and we eagerly anticipate how He will use you in the days to come.  It is no surprise to us that it is ever so clear His plans for you are BIG.

"....My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, 
intricately woven in the depths of the earth..."

We walk proud.  Proud of you.  Proud of who you are and how far you have come.  Unashamed of all He created you to be.  We are thankful you are ours, for this time, but we know, ultimately, you are His.
"...Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, 
every one of them, the days that were formed for me, 
when as yet there was none of them..."

On April 28th, we will prayerfully place you into the capable hands of Dr. L and he will repair the first part of your cleft, your lip.  We are faithful God will be working in and through Dr. L, weaving and working to complete His plan for you and your appearance.  We will place you in his hands with a skip in our hearts and a catch in our throats, but we know we will see ultimately God's plan and glory displayed in the changes yet to come.

Let you never question it.  Not for a moment.  You are beautiful now.  You will become yet even more beautiful as He works in and through you.You are and always will be beautiful.  Beautifully His.

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