Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My Heart is Full

It has been way too long since we've had some non-adoption related family updates!  Here is a photo over load of some of the fun we've had in the last several months:

 These little nuggets turned three.  THREE!!  I guess I cannot refer to them as "the babies" any longer.  Somehow "the pre-schoolers" doesn't have quite the same ring to it.  They are the most complicated,  sanctifying, fulfilling, overwhelming, joyful, complex, and stretching part of each day for me.  There still isn't a day that goes by that I don't say, "God, you sure you wanted me (ME?!) to be the mommy of twins?!  I sure do make a mess of almost each day!"  Yet He is so faithful to use the challenges of mothering multiples to show me my desperate need for Him.  I am so humbled and thankful He did pick me!  Mama of twins is such a unique thing.  It is hard to put words to it.  You twin mamas out there totally get it, I know!  I adore them and cherish them.  This age, while carrying a special set of challenges, is seriously so much fun for Chris and I!  I love little people in my home.  I hope to keep it that way for a long time to come.  We must have little people!  Joshua and Grace abound with joy and I love their special bond.

This boy saw fit to turn six the following month!!  SIX!  Surely I am not old enough to mother a six year old!  Jacob has had an explosive year with his reading.  We went from "Hop on Pop" to full throttle with chapter books!  We went to the library last night and checked out at least five new books and I have no doubt they will all be done in two weeks or less!  This boy loves to read and it makes my heart so happy!  Jacob is an amazing big brother.  He loves his siblings and they adore him.  He is mature and poised and he makes us proud!  We have chosen, as a family, to pursue home school next year and participate in a local Classical Conversations community as a part of that.  He and I are so excited to embark on this journey together.  We can't wait to see what God has in store in the coming school year.  He is wrapping up his time at Trinity with gusto and working so hard.  He loves to study and learn!

My heart and my arms are full. Sometimes I find myself looking at photos like this and I try to picture our second daughter with us.  Yes, my heart and arms are full--yet they long for her to come and ache with the emptiness her absence brings. Until then, I pray for her and rejoice in what I have right now, knowing all of it, all of this, is part of His glorious plan for me.  Blessed indeed.

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