Saturday, January 9, 2010

Fitness? What is Fitness?

It has almost been two full years since my baby was born. Probably about three months prior to his birth I quit walking or attempting to workout. I have not "worked out" in the true sense of the word since that time. I am a bit impish about even openly admitting that. I despise being sedentary. Now, don't get me wrong, I walk a good bit when the weather is good...I love to load Jacob up in the stroller and briskly stroll through our neighborhood, but that is the extent of my fitness routine for the last two years. AWFUL!!!

I had been whining internally to myself about changes that were occurring in my body and also sadly admitting to myself I wasn't willing to do anything to change it.

Then I read the chapter about circumstances in the book Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. I had been convincing myself (lying to myself) that if my circumstances were different, I would be different. "If only I had more time or worked a different schedule, then I would start better habits and work on improving myself." Not true! The truth, as aptly pointed out by DeMoss in the book, is that my circumstances reveal who I really am and if I am not content with my present set of circumstances, then I won't be happy with another set. You know, the whole concept of the grass being greener on the other side. So I decided to stop lying to myself, stop being a victim of my present circumstances, and do something! The book also taught me that I may not be able to control my circumstances (my present schedule), but I do not have to allow those circumstances to control me. So I grabbed life by the horns .......

.......and bought a workout video. Yes, I am a dancing, hopping, weight lifting fool....thankfully in the privacy of my own home. I have decided to start small in my commitment and grow as my health and strength improves and as I learn that indeed, there is time for me to workout in my hectic daily routine. So, I am committing myself publicly here to workout at least three days a week (most likely Th-Sat) and then anything beyond that is bonus. I would prefer to be able to spread the days out and not have it all concentrated in one time, but life is not perfect, my schedule is not perfect, and this is when I have time, so this is when I will do it. Chris is a huge supporter and has agreed to help me remain accountable to this new commitment. Jacob had a blast on day one and thought it was all a game; he danced and clapped with me and even tried to sit on me during the crunches portion. NO, this is not a resolution. This is a choice to no longer be controlled by the circumstances around me; to claim the truth of God's word that I can be content with the circumstances He has graciously blessed me with for the time being.

So, I have successfully completed day three of my new routine and I will say, I rather enjoy it. I've started with a sculpting video to tone my muscles (no, I do not want to lose weight...I just want to be fit and toned). They also offer a cardio video and it is becoming apparent to me that the cardio may be necessary since I am so completely out of shape, some of the sculpting would be easier if I was better fit in this area.

We'll see how it goes. It is going to take some work, some planning, some schedule rearranging, but I want to try my best to stick with my 3 days per week for at least a month. I'll keep you posted on my progress. Feel free to check in with me and ask me how it is going. The more people cheering me on, the more likely I will be to follow through!

I'd like to challenge you to examine your own life. What circumstances do you allow yourself to fall victim to? Will you claim God's truth for your life and refuse to be controlled by your circumstances?

"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." Philippians 4:11-12.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... so much wisdom in that! LOVE IT! You go, girl! I will be asking you how it's going! :)
