Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Happy Day, Joshua!

Dear Courageous Joshua,
Happy 2nd Birthday, Joshua!  I am so thankful for you and all that you add to our little family of five!  I thought I'd tell you some things I love about you, just like we enjoy reading in the Pookie books by Sandra Boyton!

1.) I love you because of your total abandon to enjoy life.  There is joy in a dandelion, excitement in the breeze, and wonder over the clouds.

2.) I love you because of how you love others.  You must hug others.  I lose track in a day the number of times you randomly stop whatever you are doing to run to someone saying, "Hug!  Hug!  Hug!"  You LOVE to hug!  And I love hugging you!

3.) I love your expressive little face.  You can't get away with much because you face tells the story long before you could.

4.) I love the way you adore and cherish your big "Bubby" and follow him everywhere.  You do exactly as he does and say exactly as he says.

5.) I love the way you jump, jump, jump!  You are free and full of joy!

6.) I love that you want someone with you all the time and will holler for Grace to "c'mere" till she comes!

7.) I love to see your boundless energy as you boing, boing, boing in your bed before you go to sleep at night.

8.) I love your passion for books, trucks, trains, airplanes, and well....all things BOY.

9.) I love your hunger for FOOD.  All kinds of food!  This is a boy who is driven by his stomach!

10.) I love YOU and all God has made you to be.

Oh how I long as your Mommy to see you come to know the Lord at an early age and courageously and boldly proclaim Him to all those around you!  I adore you, my little affectionate, passionate, courageous, ambitious, crazy, wild, silly, happy, joyful, wonderful Joshua!  God knew we needed you in our lives and I'm so glad he gave you to us.  What a BLESSING you are.

Happiest of birthdays, my sweet middle son!

With all the love in Mommy's heart,

A little walk down memory lane...

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