Tuesday, November 24, 2009


This story was too funny and cute for me not to share it. Last night, I was working late teaching classes and Chris was home with Jacob. It was bath night, so Chris gave Jacob his bath and let him play in the tub with some toys for a period of time.

Some of Jacob's current favorite bath toys include cups (he has discovered he can dump water back and forth in them), a Cookie Monster toy, and an Elmo toy. Jacob is a big fan of Elmo--really any of the friends from Sesame Street will do. If any of them have the same type of eyes as Elmo, he calls them Elmo, so Cookie Monster is Elmo, etc. Well, I should say, he calls them "Melmo."

Usually when Mommy does the bath, he gets clean, plays, hands over the toys, brushes teeth, and gets out. Daddy does much the same, however, Daddy lets the water out of the tub before removing the toys. Last night, Chris started letting the water out. When most of the water was gone and Jacob had told it bye-bye, he then turned in the tub and saw his Elmo toy getting washed closer and closer to the drain and he started to exclaim, "Melmo! Melmo!" Poor dear, he thought Elmo was going to get washed down the drain!

Oh to understand all those processes going on his brain! Needless to say, Melmo was saved and placed snugly back in the basket of toys for future use. Daddy is Jacob's hero!

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