Monday, October 26, 2009

1-2-3 JUMP!

Jacob's little friend, Ella, has been jumping for months now. She is hilarious. She says, "1,2,3 CHUP!" When she first learned to jump, she was "chupping" all the time.

I found it so cute and endearing I wanted Jacob to learn how to "chup" too. So we would ask him to jump.

A few months ago, when asked, he would kind of dance and run in place, knowing his feet needed to leave the ground and that his body should move around to jump. No jumping....

Then yesterday I asked him to jump again. "1,2,3, JUMP!" And instead of dancing around and giggling, our little man.....

........ squatted his knees deep to the ground......
...... and.....
..... swung his arms way back......
......propelled his chubby little arms forward........
.....straightened his knees.....
...... and...............
didn't jump.

He's done this several times now and I just know it is only a matter of days before we will have a little jumping bean on our hands.

But I'll be darned, I think this is the super cutest thing in the world, and a wee part of me hopes he never learns how to jump.

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