Friday, October 30, 2009

Family Worship

For those of you who don't know, we have a family gathering each night before Jacob goes to bed for what we refer to as "Family Worship." We had a wonderful speaker come to our church last year who taught on this subject and Chris and I took away some fantastic ideas.

Each night, we get Jacob ready for bed and then we read a story from the Bible (right now his storybook Bible), pray, and sing songs together as a family. Jacob knows this is the routine and I think he looks forward to it each day. I know I do!

In the last few weeks, he has really started to grow in the family worship department. He is more attentive to the stories, sits still, has learned to fold his hands and stay quiet during prayer, and is starting to hum or do the hand motions for some of the songs we sing.

I don't know what it is, but I think a little toddler with chubby hands folded, getting ready to pray to God, is the most adorable thing on this earth. So............I had to snap a few photos. :-)

Getting ready to fold hands to pray....

Hands are folded and sitting still. Ready for Daddy to pray...

Doing the hand motions for "Deep and Wide." This is one of Jacob's current favorites for praise songs!

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